What is a good body wash for eczema?

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Nov 29, 2011
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My 5 year old son has eczema and it is getting worse with winter. He has sensitive skin . I switched him from aquaphor to Cerave lotion. What is a good body wash for eczema?

What are you using at present and what is the pH? Does the body wash/ shampoo/ handwash contain sulphate surfactants? Is he getting plenty of long chain omega-3s in his diet?

He was using aveeno hair and body wash as shampoo, Johnson's body wash and aquaphor. I ran out of Johnson's body wash and I used the aveeno as soap too, then his skIn got worse. I bought cetaphil Restoraderm body wash and triderma eczema fast healing. I will try it tomorrow. What is long chain omega 3? Is that fish oil?

I think there are sulphate surfactants in all of the products you have used in the past: fingers crossed for a magical improvement in skin health without them! IMO stick with the Cerave lotion whilst you switch body washes, the ingredients are unlikely to cause a problem and you will then be more confident of attributing that change to the cleanser. Long chain omega-3s (DHA & EPA) are essential fatty acids found in oily fish and marine algae - nuts and seeds only supply short chain o-3. These fats are important for the health of every tissue but particularly for dry skin conditions, inflammation, allergies or immune issues. The Western diet tends rich in pro-inflammatory omega-6 EFA when balance between o-3 and o-6 is critical. If you don't eat sufficient oily fish as a family you can supplement but please run your choices past your family doctor or a pharmacist.

Please let us know how you get on!

Originally Posted by Mysticcrystal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

He was using aveeno hair and body wash as shampoo, Johnson's body wash and aquaphor. I ran out of Johnson's body wash and I used the aveeno as soap too, then his skIn got worse. I bought cetaphil Restoraderm body wash and triderma eczema fast healing. I will try it tomorrow. What is long chain omega 3? Is that fish oil?

[SIZE=12pt]Eczema is a mixture of dry skin and allergies. Aveeno advanced care body wash is really good body wash for eczema. I also had this problem and I used Aveeno advanced care body wash. [/SIZE]

Sorry but you are mistaken. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is not the result of an allergy nor simply a dry skin condition as there is an inflammatory component, contact dermatitis is the allergic form.

Originally Posted by paulspnao /img/forum/go_quote.gif

[SIZE=12pt]Eczema is a mixture of dry skin and allergies. Aveeno advanced care body wash is really good body wash for eczema. I also had this problem and I used Aveeno advanced care body wash. [/SIZE]

Give a try to Dermarest Eczema Moisturizing Body Wash. I believe it will help you little kid to get rid of this awful condition. Let me know if it help  


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