What have you heard about a texturizer

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do you mean stuff you put in your hair?

if so I use some.........it's just a gel/liquid that you rake through your hair with your fingers to get that piecey look

are you talking about hair product,cuts or chemical relaxing

I use texturizer to help style my hair when I want a piecey kinda look. I like Paul Mitchell's texturizers.

A texturizer is just a mild form of a lye-based chemical relaxer. Instead of relaxing the hair bone straight, the curls in the hair are only relaxed a little bit.
I think of texturizing as "thinning "the hair with either a razor or texturizing scizzors.

your correct texturizeing means cut, or relaxing the hair with chemicals thats why we were like wondering which one

my boyfriend had one in his hair. just made it wavy instead of curly.
