Wet or dry haircuts - which do you prefer???

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Feb 9, 2006
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Went to a new hairdresser this time - my old hd cuts my hair dry and the new hd cut it wet -- wow, what a difference (maybe - its my hair type just does better w/a wet cut
), I never would have known/thought it would make that much diff. (for the better). I'm sticking w/the new girl!!!

It's a little easier on dry hair so you can see how it's going to fall --- but that takes a lot of experience, until you've been with someone for awhile and you know they can cut both... stick with wet.

I get it cut dry before my highlights and it is great. But then again I have a fabulous male stylist who is an absolute genius with my hair!

I have to get mine cut dry. Particularly after a fresh relaxer/touch-up. My hair generally shrinks a good bit when dried, so an inch wet could mean upwards of 2.5 inches dry!

Wet! I think that makes it easier for stylist to get an even cut. My hair is naturally wavy, and even when I flatiron it, it still insists on flipping out on the ends! Plus, my hair is wavier on one side of my head than the other and I have weird "cowlicks", and I've had stylists accidentally cut it to slightly different lengths on each side... So it always turns out much better when they cut it wet

I get mine cut dry as when it's dry it's so much thicker than when it is wet, so I make sure my hairdresser cuts it dry. I had it cut wet once anad that was a big mistake!

Im learning cutting at the moment and its VERY hard to do it dry, i guess it depends what cut you wont *shrugs* the ends arent in line to cut evenly so you have to have DEAD straight hair and i mean DEAD straight hair for that kind of cut. its sounds werid cutting dry.

This is the same for me! If they cut it wet, as soon as it's dry, it's atleast an inch shorter than it was supposed to be. Especially when cutting my bangs.

Originally Posted by Aquilah I have to get mine cut dry. Particularly after a fresh relaxer/touch-up. My hair generally shrinks a good bit when dried, so an inch wet could mean upwards of 2.5 inches dry!
I've had my hair cut both wet and dry. I perfet my hair wet because when I got it cut dry, I noticed there were uneven pieces. I have naturally wavy hair so when I straighten it, all the pieces dont line up the way they do when hair is wet. So maybe it depends on your hair consistency and textutre.
