Using Rollers forums

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Feb 25, 2007
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Hi! I'm totally clueless about using rollers.. I have wavy hair that isn't really thin or thick that is a few inches past my shoulders.

First of all, I can't use hot rollers. They just never turn out right. What is the best way to roll them for actual curls, and how far up do you roll them?

I also wanted to try using other types of rollers to get different looks but I just don't know which kind to use, how to use them, and what kinds of look they're for. I'd just like to be able to try new looks without having to heat style or causing damage. One kind I don't know how to use or what for are the jumbo ones.. I've also stumbled across:


Wave Clip - Natural Looking Wavesâ„¢

Instead of damaging your hair with an electric crimper, or sleeping in braids…try this new innovative product. It helps create the fashionable, soft, romantic waves you see on runways.


Satin Tube Rollers


Easy Out Self-holding Rollers

Any insight? Thanks!

I have the Revlon multi-sized velvet flocked rollers and I looooove them. I use Redken Hot Sets to spray my hair, then I roll the roller all the way against my head.

You can pull your hair into a ponytail at the crown of your head, divide it into small sections, spray it with hairspray or gel, and make lots of small curls on rollers or with a curling iron. When you take it down, your hair is beautiful and flowing with curls rather than a tightly, short curly look. It is important to roll your hair all the way against your head because the weight of the rollers sometimes causes your hair to not curl well. When more of the hair is curled, you have a better turnout.

when i used rollers i used regular plastic one and i used large one to straighten my hair. My hair is already curly.

do you have any ideas about the style you want? each type of roller will give you a quite different curl shape. maybe find some pics of styles you'd like to try, then pick the rollers that would give you that shape. let us know what you decide!

i recently bouhgt rollers from walmart, and they are awesome! i cant remember what brand, i think its vidal sasoon, but they work great and are easy to handle.

there really is no right/wrong way to using rollers. it depends on the kinds you have. and you just have to get the hang of it and see what works bedt for you.
