Update on my sore skin! (around my eye)

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Feb 27, 2006
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Ok so the last week or so the skin around my right eye has seriously been damaged. Its gone so red and soar its hard to touch it, its peeled of a layer and I haven't been able to heal it. I've gone out and bought a simple product.. e45 cream, I've put a little bit of that on. I don't know if it will work but it should help. I really need to put a stop to buying *OMG this can get rid of your dark circles* sort of creams lol because my skin around my eyes has become worse because of them. I really wish I could turn back the clock and never of bothered with them because in the long run they've probably made my hereditary darkness worse. I feel so miffed of with all these products claiming to get rid of them. Ok so they might work for people who have dark circles cos of a hangover but they don't work for me :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Do any of you feel like this or is it just me? xxxxx

Ouch, i'm sorry! Try putting some aloe vera on it. That's natural and will help soothe it.

I agree with ya that most of the eye creams out there are gimmicks and don't work.

I use emu oil ... it has plumped out the dent underneath the bags quite well ... bags that I've had since I was 2 or 3 years old - the hereditary thing - sigh. Yes, you CAN do damage to the delicate skin under your eyes by "attacking" it too much in a frenzy to "do something". Camellia oil might help too ... both emu and camellia are biological healing oils, which could help heal the soreness.

Mine haven't turned into bags yet but I wouldn't be surprised if they do soon.. I actually feel sorry for my eye area I've neglected it so much :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i have been having the same problem for a while and i know its a food allergy but i have to go to the doc and find out what is exactly.

Glad your eyes are feeling better...and yeah, been through the cream thing..and, well, according to my experience, none of them do what they say.

I have heard vitamin K, in particular forms, can help undereye darkness. The keyword is help..not eliminate, but help. I feel for you girl..I just got some wrinkles underneath my eyes zapped off with a pulse-light procedure after years of trying creams that did not work. Now, I use only essential oils and natural stuff around my eyes and on my skin in general.

:flowers: ...for your recovery!

I would totally use a heavy heavy eye cream asap ( at night and when you're home with a clean face).

I wish I could help more. I'll send healing vibes your eyes way. And maybe that Emu oil? Good Luck luv AM

My eye is in pain again... it isn't healing. I've just had a shower and I put a little bit of e45 on again. I'm in agony with it, its stinging like mad and you can see all the skins come of again. Mums going to take me to the doctor tomos. Its bad enough having horrible dark circles but then having your skin come off :scared: x

That sounds painful! I'm glad you're going to the doc. Be sure to let us know how it goes.


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