Ulta and Gallager Basset Dont trade with either company.

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Mar 17, 2011
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OK Let me be the first to say that I just got off the phone with Ulta's insurance company Gallagher Basset in Chicago regarding a claim for my ruined shirt and I am not happy.

Early Feb this year I made an appointment with my local Ulta Salon (Tulsa Oklahoma 41st street) with the same stylist I had previously gone too on a prior appointment, approximately 6-7 weeks earlier.  The previous appointment was good I liked the hair color and all was well.

This appointment I arrive and my stylist is a chatterbox which is fine, but she is chatting with everyone and not really watching what she is doing she puts a towel and a cape on me.  She begins with the hair color (one color all over) and is slopping it on my head like I am some barn animal.  Very messy has it every where, in my ears, on my face, forehead you name it. She apologizes and tries to clean up the mess.  So there I sit waiting on the chemicals to process.   After they process we get up and head to the sinks to wash my hair out.The towel around my neck fall out and she picks it up I ask don't we need to put that back and wait for her to unsnap my cape and replace the towel she says no you will be fine.  I thought ok she knows what she is doing.  Well I was  wrong!  We are rinsing for about a minute when all of sudden water is running down my front and down my back.  I tell her to stop and tell her she is getting me wet.  She stops but when she resumes here comes the water.  Great I can feel the back of my shirt is soaked.    We proceed back to the chair where she cuts (by the way it was horrible, If this had happened the first time with this stylist and I never would of gone back)  but she cuts and dries I like the color same as the first time I went. The haircut however had way too many layers and made the ends way too thin.  She also has be lean forward so she can dry the back of my shirt, with her hairdryer.  She never tells me that the hair color she just used also was allover the back of my shirt.  I pay still leave a tip and run errands and go home.  First thing husband says to me when I walk across the den "is your shirt suppose to be that way?"  Mind you I have a husband who really doesn't notice when I get my hair cut or restyled.  Been that way for 26 plus years.  I look in the mirror and you guessed it shirt is covered with hair dye and I know from many years ago that stuff isn't coming out. I reinterate she dried the back of my shirt, "did you not think I would notice". geez!  I call the salon, complain to the manager and  asked to bring my shirt back in and they will reimburse me for that.  Two days later I am able to get back to the salon after work and take them my shirt and give the manager all my information and what I paid for the shirt. Mind you I don't have the receipt from GAP but it was a $40 dollar shirt.  Bought it about two weeks before the appointment in mid Jan.  I don't keep the receipts of things I wear and the manager said that wasn't a problem.  She will let me know when I will be reimbursed.  Well here we are first of March and I call my local Ulta.  Have not heard from them or anyone regarding my complaint/claim.  It takes three days before they can get back to me and tell me what is going on with my claim. In my opinion it just sat there and nothing was ever done, until I called and had to get upset about their unresponsiveness.  Four days later I get final call from my local Ulta telling me that their insurance company will be in contact regarding my claim.  So here is how this goes.  5:00 pm on March10th I receive a voice mail message telling me they are contacting me about my claim but she will be out of the office until Tuesday the 15th.  I call right back "my hours are 8-5"blah blah blah". (The phone number given was her direct line) Of course we don't ever work a minute over.  Today I receive another call from the same insurance agent she leaves a voice mail.  I call back during my lunch hour and the few questions she has for me is the same information I gave the store manager that my shirt was $40 dollars and I don't have the receipt.  Then she has the nerve to ask me if I bought it on sale.  Really I mean seriously I paid full price then she goes on to say well the tag says it was manufactured in 2010.  I reply "so what most of the clothes on any retailers shelves in mid January were manufactured int 2010".  Since it would be impossible for most retailers to have merchandise on the shelf that was actually manufactured in 2011 and in the stores mid January.  You would of thought that I was asking for $4000 dollars for a GAP shirt.  The agent at Gallagher-Bassett was rude and condescending.  It wasn't her job to have to research items and my word alone was not enough.  Of course I can be a pain in the you know what and told the agent I should bill Ulta/Gallagher-Bassett for my time in having to mess with this claim and the gas to and from the salon to resolve an issue not to mention the time it took me to find the shirt and the time it will take to replace one and the sales taxes I paid to purchase the shirt, if i am ever reimbursed.  So there's my story... had to get that off my chest.  I will let you know how long it takes to get the $40 dollar shirt issue resolved.  So check back when you can.

Wow!  That's a horror story!  I'm usually a big advocate for Ulta but even this I can't wrap my brain around.  The least they could have done was apologize and make things right by replacing the shirt right away.  They just tarnished their reputation and lost a customer for $40.  That's really sad.....

Oh wow!!  I would be on them all the time till it gets settled.  Let us know what happens.
