Agree with Benebaby about a yellow toned primer. I have very pale skin(which I hate)that has a pink undertone, which I hardly ever notice--unless I'm looking to "match" it while searching for a foundation color. Generally, the undertone of one's skin is so subtle that people have a hard time even figuring out what theirs is; they see professional makeup artists to find it...So maybe this is more than just a red undertone, more of a flush over your skin,or in places/patches of skin? *That might* be some skin condition you could actually treat topically to change; you might see a dermatologist about it...But a lot of of people just have naturally rosy skin(I love it, personally!).Shiseido makes a cream for toning down color,a "whiteness" cream it is called I think and it might bleach away/tone down redness,as well. I'm not sure.