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Jul 18, 2007
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I have quite thick, long (3 or 4 inches past shoulders) hair which is naturally wavy (when I let it dry naturally, I get a few spirals, but mostly waves, etc.).

Drying my hair is a REAL task for me - I hate doing it 'cos my hair always looks a mess, and I can't go without straighteners. BUT I want to use my straighteners a lot less, because my hair is totally wrecked now through heat damage.

My hairdresser dries my hair lovely - it looks shiny, sleek, 'thinner/less thick' and straight (and she only uses the straighteners very very lightly, whereas I have to go over the hair a few times with them). However, my hairdresser is really expensive, and a visit is more like a treat to myself lol, so I would love to know how to copy their techniques.

Just wondering - any HG hairdryers out there, as well as great brushes. My hairdresser uses barrel brushes on me, and I've used them too for many years - ceramic and 'metal' ones. Any advice would be great, esp. from hairdressers on MUT!

Thanks in advance, everyone

sorry, i don't use either, but i'm sure there's got to be some folks with recs! good luck and let us know what you pick!

First you need to think about your whole appointment from start to finsh.

What did she wash and condition your hair with?

What did she put in your hair before she blew it dry?

What kind of iron did she use?

And what finishing product does she use?

You sound like you are pretty skilled with styling your hair. so I'm guessing that you might not be using the products she uses. And your Flat iron might not be a professional, high heat type.

1.) Start with a shampoo and conditioner that's made to smooth the hair. Matrix sleek works is a great line to use. I also love Alterna's Smooth shampoo and cond.

2.) ALWAYS put a heat protectant in your hair before you dry! This is a MUSTstep that almost everyone skips. You can also use a straightening balm. Any type of hair product you apply to damp hair will help protect it from the heat.

3.) When it comes to blowdrying the hair straight, I differ from some on this. I hardly ever blowdry straight then use the flat iron. I dry the hair as normal, then use my iron to straighten the hair. even the curliest of heads can be straightened without all the added pulling of the brush while drying. Which in itself, kills the elasticity of hair. If your iron is cermaic and hot enough, you should be able to skip the round brush step.

But if you like the blowdry brush first, then try these simple steps. Yep, you're using the right types of brushes already (just stay away from metal, and use bristle or ceramic). So try starting at the bottom of your hair with small sections. Pin all the rest of the hair out of the way and clip. Dry section by section, working from the bottom, up.

4.) You need a variable temp. Flat iron. That just means that the temp is adjustable. The fixed heat irons are normally set at 400 to 410 degrees. And that is wayyyyy too hot to use. You want to use between 350 to 380 degrees. If an iron doesn't tell you the temp, don't buy it.

Here's a great article on flat irons and what to look for: Hair Styling: Why are Ceramic straightening Irons better than traditional straighteners? and another page: Styling: Flat Irons & Straightening Your Hair

5.) Use a spray shine when done. Alterna makes an awesome spray that's realllly light and doesn't grease the hair up and it smells awesome, like oranges.

I hope these tips can help you! I love hair! loll

Thanks for the help. I've always tried to think about what she uses etc. so last time I had my hair done, I bought the shampoo, condition and blowdrying texture paste she uses. And it nothing, really, for my hair. I use GHD straighteners, they're the best you can buy here. I think it could be down to my hairdryer and the brushes, but most of all my technique.
