The key to growing healthy hair forums

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Dec 17, 2010
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There are 3 MAJOR things you need to do to grow healthy hair:




 Many women hesitate with this step cause they fear that their hair wont grow back. Damaged ends weaken your hair, making it more susceptible to breakage. Its very important to trim you hair often, about a quarter to half an inch every three to four months. In between that time clip any split ends. I call that "DUSTING". This will clean up the ends as dryness tends to occur especially with chemically treated hair. Cutting damage hair will help your hair grow faster. DAMAGE HAIR CANNOT GROW.

Deep conditioning  treatments is a big help too. it provides extra protein and some provide extra moisture and sealing. I recommend leaving it in for 10-15 min once a week.

I hope this helps

References:MakeupFreemoblie app;

I have to ask... who wrote this article?

This is incorrect info hun.

Trimming helps but in no way is it what makes your hair healthy. It's just a small part.

I agree... "MOISTURE MOISTURE MOISTURE, protein" is my mantra... I have locs, and trimming isn't really that useful as split ends are a non issue. But when my hair is dry, I become a fire hazard and my locs weaken and sometimes break. So then I need to trim, lol!

Damage hair does grow, it just grows with damaged ends, which is also of course not a good look. Like reese says the key is damage prevention, no split ends means no trimming is necessary!

I Agree with Conditioning Treatments Its whats helped me Most with Growing Long (SUper LOng) Healthy Hair. I stopped Taking good care of my hair A Bit After I had kids But I Been Back to Deep conditioning & Oils & Actually brushing on a daily basis lol & Its helped majorly My hair is Healthier & Down to my thighs !!!

I remember daddy's last secretary telling me so. That I should deep condition and do hot oil treatments once a week. She had LONG thick silky hair! Maybe I should try harder to do it.

You should do oil treatments, that's what i do with my hair and it really helps having a healthy, nourished hair. I like to add a few drops of provitamin B5 as my scalp tends to get dehydrated. I suggest camellia oil for a real treat. I also like monoï which is a specialty from polynesia, tiare flowers macerated in coconut oil, the scent is divine. They are kind of expensive but your hair will thank you for it.

Getting a regular trim is a good tip, and very logical for me. I have a thin combination hair, i do what i can to treat my ends, but i always inevitably get some split ends. After a few months my ends also get thinner (or look thinner) than the rest of my hair so getting a trim helps my hair. But i only cut 1/2 to 2/3 of a centimeter.

In the authors defense (not that i think she needs one as this is an open forum for an exchange of ideas and information). Trimming ABSOLUTELY promotes healthy hair when it comes to ethnic Hair. As someone who has pretty thick hair (remember this is also subjective to opinion) trimming has promoted my hair growth. This is mainly because trimming keeps split ends at bay (everyone has them and if you say you don't...then OK)Split ends cause your hair to look dull, drab and damaged. There are several steps, but i think her point may have been to bring the idea of trimming our hair to the forefront of maintenance especially for ethnic hair.

For me trimming my hair about 1 to 4 months helps it to grow.  Too much of perming and colouring has damaged my hair till it became frizzy and without style.  I visit the saloon abt once a month and get it trimmed about 1/2 to 1 inch.....than do a treatment..and my hair is much btr now.  The dry ends are slowly going away and my hair is looking btr now just that bit of frizziness at the end..need a trim sometime next month.

A lot of things contribute to healthy hair! 

Protecting hair from sun and heat damage.

Washing to cleanse from dirt, but don't over shampoo or you dry out your hair.

Moisture (inside and out).  Drinking water and making sure you get the right vitamins in your diet every day helps.

Not pulling hair back in pony tails or anything that pulls or breaks hair.

Don't brush/comb hair when it is wet and at its weakest. 

Healthy scalp. Hair grows from the hair follicle in your head, not from the ends.  A health scalp means faster growth.

Genetics...this plays a huge role in hair condition.

Overall health....stress, medications, hormones, alcohol all affect the condition of your hair and skin.

Washing with clean water (chlorine treated or hard well water can damage hair)

etc, etc, etc.!!

Trimming your hair does not make it grow faster nor make it thicker, but it makes it look and feel thicker because as hair grows longer, not only are the ends drier and older (remember, hair is just dead protein buildup from the follicle), but once trimmed the ends are now blunter which looks and feel fuller and the hair has more bounce and volume to it.  Hair really should be trimmed about 1-2 inches every 4 months.

Happy locks!

I'm a stylist and I agree when I read this article. If women don't trim those split ends, your hair is gonna keep on splitting even when you get new growth. I love my conditioning treatments. I'm obsessed

thanks every one for you opinions.
