i've done a lot of research on peels, and have seen the aftermath of TCA peels, and they are very strong peels. I am only 26 so I have only done glycolic at 30% at home. But I've heard people advising to have the TCA peels done by plastic surgeons. They are super expensive though! There is downtime and a lot of rawness. Someone on the smartskincare.com forum talked about how they went under for their TCA peel! I would recommend searching their forum for experiences about TCA peels and about the peel in general. I know their regular website talks about the TCA, and there is a derm that answers questions. But apparently if you do a strong one, the results last a pretty good amount of time. I would recommend looking there and reading people's experiences cos they are all sort of skincare obsessed! But I sort of agree....I would want someone experienced with TCA using it on my face since it is so strong. Are you an esthetician? I would still ere on the side of caution. Check out that website for a lot of people's experiences with TCA though. I'm not promoting it! It just probably has the sort of shared experiences you are looking for since it is strictly skincare. Let us know what you decide to do!