I have used Tazorac before with great results. It does take a while for your skin to adjust to it though. Start off with one application every other day (never use more than a pea size amount for the entire face - I only use about half that amount as it does spread very well). After a week or two, increase to every day. You can use it twice a day, but I found that was too much and I still had fantastic results with just using once a day. It works better if applied at night as the sun can break it down on your skin. Tazorac comes in a gel or cream base in a .5% concentration or a 1%. The 1% seems to be too strong for me and I prefer the .5%. The cream base is for drier skin or for more sensitive skin so you may ask your Dr. to give you samples of the cream based or write you a prescription for that one (if that's not the one that your on, of course). Good luck!