Switching Back to Store-Bought Coloring

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Apr 21, 2011
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Hey everyone.  Looking for some advice.  For 15+ years, I've been coloring my own hair and was quite pleased with the results, especially in the last few years as the boxed colors became more modern with built-in highlights.  However, a year ago I decided to go back to my close-to-original color with some foiled highlights and most recently a full-head color about three shades lighter than my natural color. 

I've got about one-month growth and need to touch-up my roots; I plan to use the store-bought root touch up.  However, my question is, will it be safe on the next go around to return to store-bought color for a full-head color?  I'm not 100% happy with this color; it's too light, although the highlights are nice, and I really can't afford the salon prices anymore.  Gas is $4/gal!!.  I'd like to return to my favorite color with built-in highlights, but wasn't sure if this colored hair would take the color without issue.  Don't want the hair to return to straw nor break or fall out! 

Any idea how long I should wait?  The roots will get touched up for sure as the color differential right now is unbearable!


It would be fine to dye your own roots - then have a salon dye your hair the next time.

I would advise you to purchase a box, rather than just the root touch ups.

The touch ups don't offer enough product to get all of one's roots - from my experience.

I use whatever's on sale, but I heard that L'Oreal boxed dyes might be a better quality.

My hair grows 1/2 inch a month (the new regrowth is almost all grey now). I hate it when my roots are too easily seen...  So I dye my roots every 28 days. You might want to keep to a 4 week cycle as well.

Once you have the colour you like at the salon, you might consider doing the roots for the next 2 months, then returning to the salon for roots, highlights and a trim. If this schedule suits you and saves you money, then go for it.
