Sunscreen confused forums

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Jul 25, 2006
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lately I’ve been hearing allot about sunscreen/sun block what I wana know is do I really need it I mean I don’t go sitting under the sun all I do is leave the house get in the car and straight to the university and I don’t usually sit by the window is that enough sun exposure that I have to use sunscreen, and is there a point of me using sunscreen if what I hear is true which is most skin damage from the sun is done by the age of 18 well I’m 20 and I’m just now thinking of using sunscreen I used to sit allot under the sun when I was a kid.
even if you don't go out much, you should wear a sunscreen. it's not because you don't see the damage that it isn't there. the UVA are responsible for skin aging, and both UVA and UVB cause DNA damage (which what causes skin cancers). you're 20 so you don't have to fight wrinkles but you can delay and prevent them by wearing a sunscreen. if you don't go out much, maybe you can just take a lower spf sunscreen, but it depends on how your skin reacts to sun. and i learned as a glasses wearer that glass reflects sunlights, it doesn't stop them. as a kid, it took just three hours of driving home at the end of the holidays for my brother to have both his arms burnt (2nd degree).

they say sun is no.1 cause of wrinkles.


so just to be on the safe side wear sunscreen.

most of the foundation have sunscreen in them,

thank u alot

umm do u think that the sunscreen in the foundation is enough ?

Yeah they say even if you don't purposely go out in the sun, to wear it anyway for daily activities..I don't wear it, but I guess you should. My foundation does have spf in it, but thats it.

Originally Posted by jeno /img/forum/go_quote.gif thank u alot umm do u think that the sunscreen in the foundation is enough ?

I honestly have no idea, that's all I wear, but I don't know if it's recommended that you wear more.
I use Chanel Double Perfection foundation, with SPF 15 but there are many others foundations and powders with SPF. if you use treatments for acne that photosensitize your skin, you should use a bigger SPF. but it is essential to use sunscreen every day..

thanks everybody i guess i'll use it just to be on the safe side

yes, i think your foundation is enough unless you're using some specific acne products (i got one a few years ago and at the pharmacy they suggested spf60 ) or if your skin is sun sensitive.

Please read what Professor of Dermatology said about sunscreen ;

"The only way you can tell if a product provides UVA protection is it will be labeled as broad spectrum". He recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 for basic, year- round protection. A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 provides protection against about 93% of the sun's burning UVB rays. Reaching for a higher SPF doesn't necessarily provide significantly more protection and may be much more uncomfortable to wear. To increase the SPF beyond 15, additional active ingredients are needed that often cause the sunscreen to become sticky or pasty, which may make people less likely to use them properly".

I hope this information help you.


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