sunburned remedies!!! forums

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Mar 25, 2012
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so yesterday me and my family went out to raging water's for some fun family time on a really hot day.I applied sun screen as i usually do when i get wet, on my face shoulders chest, legs and my face.Now as im typing this i am burnt all over my shoulders,chest and back!
. I have never been this badly burned.I cant even put a shirt on with out hurting like fire! are there any remedies any of you ladies can suggest? or how about sleeping? how do you guys sleep if you get sun burned? i have been putting aloe vera on since yesterday ever our or two but it still hurts.

I use Aftersun from CVS on any accidental's aloe vera with Lidocaine in it for the pain. Hope you feel better soon!

Take Tylenol ever 4-6 hours as recommended on the bottle. Aloe Vera, Aftersun, and a good non-perfumed lotion will help.  (I used to have the Hemp brand after-tan kind and it was awesome).

I hope you feel some relief soon!

I use Aftersun from CVS on any accidental's aloe vera with Lidocaine in it for the pain. Hope you feel better soon!
I have this stuff. Ordinary aloe gel is good too.
I recently started swimming again, and my re-introduction was a horrible sun-burn. The best thing I did was add some tea tree oil and/or lavender oil to my aloe gel. I just mixed it together in a little cup. It really made a difference.

Solarcaine spray is amazing. It just soothes the burn and you'll feel immediate relief. Be sure to moisturize a lot to avoid peeling.

Any kind of hydrating cream will work, if it has a fresh effect it's better. Apply, apply, apply (not too much but regularly and massage well). Stay out of sun, at least in the middle hours of the day, wear an appropriate top that covers all the burnt skin and not a thin cotton teeshirt, you need tightly woven fabric fibers that will filter part of the sunrays. If you have some, hiking gear as nowadays pretty much all tops and bottoms have some sun protection.

Wear a sunscreen, go for SPF50. Your skin protects you against external aggressions, so if your skin is damaged, you need to protect it.

A simple burn heals in a matter of days, if it's second degree burn, it can take a few weeks. As an example, i burnt myself with a very hot cooking tool on the arm, a few inches patch, and it took a good two weeks to heal and create new skin, but i'm still left with a small scar.

If you start peeling, that's good news but don't scratch yourself, eventually as new skin is created everything will flake off.

Anyway, treating a sunburn isn't complicated but it's a long process (and as you can tell from my long post, i have experienced it ! ^^). If the pain is unbearable, you can consider taking some medication, at least to get a restful sleep.

Without improvement, go see a doctor.

i started peeling about 2 days ago and i totally freaked out! i guess that's a good sign thank you everyone for all the wonderful tips:D sunburns are as painful as can be and next time extra sun screen will be applied all over my body literally!! i don't want this to happen again:p
