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Aug 5, 2008
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HELP!! my hair has seriously changed. over the space of like a week.

i used to have normal, quite fine hair that only got greasy after about 3 days of not washing. but since last thursday for some reason, it's gotten REALLY greasy at the roots. so i just thought it was a one off, washed my hair and dried it and it was still greasy. this has happened every time i've washed my hair for the past week. it's greasy 24/7. literally i step out of the shower, go to dry my hair and as i brush it through it's greasy, straight after washing!!

i haven't changed anything, i tried changing my shampoo to see if that was the problem but i have the same result. i'm not using any extra products other than shampoo and a teeny bit of conditioner on the ends of my hair! help! why is this happening?

Sounds like it might be possible that you have some buildup?

You could try a clarifying shampoo and see if that helps...

I'm sure HairEgo will have some better advice for you.

I don't know why it's happening. I have naturally oily hair and I go thru periods where it's super greasy like your describing.

Quick tip:

Before you got to bed get a cotton ball and squeeze/blot some witch hazel on your scalp, try to get it in all places if you can, it's gonna be hard, you maybe can squeeze the bottle straight onto your scalp.

Try this for one night and see what happens, you may have to do this every other day til the oil settles down.

Good luck

Signed fellow greaser

Okay Lucy, bare with me...this response could be long!

The sudden over production of Sebum (oil) can more then likely be linked to a hormonal problem. It could also be something autoimmune related to the folicles. The more likely scenerio is that you have a build up of product or even oil on the scalp. If you dont have a clarifying shampoo, you can try an acidic rinse; Lemon juice and distilled water...a mixing ratio of 1:1.5 (1 part distilled water to 1.5 Lemon Juice). The acids in the lemon will safely remove any sort of build up on the scalp.

Also, if oily hair is constantly a problem for you don't wash your hair daily; that will make it worse instead of better. Also try using cool water instead of hot; hot water stimulates the glands.

thanks gina, i might try that lemon wash. the shampoo i changed to is a volumising one which is supposed to be light and not weigh hair down. but i'll get hold of a clarifying one too.

i don't know if it could be hormonal.. i'm on the pill so surely that would balance out my hormones? i don't know though, you're the expert!

i'll try that witch hazel thing too missmary!

i've been on the pill for three years. and you'd think it would even out my hormones a bit more..!
