It's going to be a gift. That girl had thit creme before- she doesn't remember the name only the colour.
Yesterday I was in Sephora and "very nice" lady after 20 minutes told me that every Chanel Cremes are...white. Interesting, because I had Hydramax and it was blue.
Tomorrow I have to buy it- tht girl is 22 so it can be Initiale.
Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif ptch that woman is so wrong. There's one with flecks of gold stuff in it as well. WTH was she talking about? She started to TALK after a long while...
I told her about Hydramax - blue, and Age Delay (I didn't use AD but it was something between pink and peach I remember).I was going to buy it that day and there, but she didn't want to show me any tester ("we haven't got a tester at the moment").