Stripping hair forums

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Oct 3, 2006
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i want to strip my hair so i can go back to my normal colour with is a mousey brown

how can i strip my hair without damaging it too much

is there a shampoo or a product to do it at home

stripping the hair from what i understand involves bleach and can be extreamly damaging to your hair. exactly what do you want to strip out of your hair?

I recommend going to the salon in order to strip your hair of the color and begin using a new color. If bleach is in fact required, then you may have to wait up to two weeks before you can color your hair. I'd call around local salons, or go to whichever salon you already frequent, and see how much the service is, as well as what it requires. This isn't something that should be done at home, IMHO.

i have my streaked to lighten it up then i wanted to dy it back to my own colour but the dy went wrong and it turned out to be a redish gold blonde

so i want to strip it

Originally Posted by Hayley91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif i have my streaked to lighten it up then i wanted to dy it back to my own colour but the dy went wrong and it turned out to be a redish gold blonde
so i want to strip it

definantly consult a professional. you could end up doing serious damage if you attempt it on your own in my opinion
What color is it now? I would definitly go to a salon if you plan on lightening... doing it incorrectly can lead to unexpected results in color or texture.

i had my hair stripped and colored before. after she colored it, it still wasnt' my natural, it was lighter. and it was damaged more. after getting it colored again and again and cut. i eventually just let my hair grow out.

Stripping hair is a chemical process that can be very damaging and there's no guarantee that you will be able to get your original color back.
