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Quote: Originally Posted by sorsha /img/forum/go_quote.gif

   Not to be a complete bah humbug here, but does anyone ever suspect that Popsugar makes a deal with a brand, only to have that brand's website post an overly-inflated item price so we can all say wow, that was a pricey box/item value?

 Just saying. Something should only be worth what you think it should be worth. I feel like things have gotten to a point where box value is trumping box curation. I want curation. If that curated value meets the box cost, I would be happy. 

 Yeah, I've wondered about that before as well . . . in this case, I know Lulu Frost items do sell for a lot, but I feel like the "special" bracelet made for the popsugar box looks junkier than the other stuff I've seen from LF. I also remember a while back we got a shower wrap from Brokedown that was valued at something like $84, but the one on the website was trimmed with ribbon and looked cuter than the one we got in the box (which was basically a rectangle of fabric that you could probably buy for $10, with elastic sewn onto it).

I feel like subscription boxes in general seem to have a pattern of having a really great month, followed by a few lame months and then another great one . . .  it wouldn't surprise me if the strategy was to provide enough awesome finds to keep people on the hook/not wanting to miss out, while also minimizing costs as much as possible. But then maybe I'm just a humbug too, LOL

For now, the $40 is still worth it to me, but I do think the actual value of a a lot of the boxes is overstated ... kind of like when you see $50 makeup palettes being advertised as a "$300" get more colors for your money when you buy the palette, and they ARE a good value, but there's no way on earth anyone would actually pay $300 for it...that's how I feel about these boxes...definitely a good value for $40, but I would never spend anywhere close to the full retail value on the box.
