Spider veins

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Jun 23, 2006
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hello everyone

does any know of anything to get rid of spider veins? i have a few around my nose i dont know where they came from but i want them GONE i think i might of gotten them from being sick recently

If you have a fair complexion, spider veins usually crop up from sun damage, so make sure you were sunscreen and when there on the face there known as 'broken cappillaries'.

Broken capillaries, especially on the face are a cosmetic problem. Mostly known as just ugly imperfections that are relatively harmless and painless, broken capillaries are in fact the sign of damage most often caused by the sun, age or excessive alcohol consumption.

I dont believe a cream can get rid of them.. only the laser light at a derm!


*jumping onto this topic*...

I also have really bad broken capilaries around my lower cheeks.

How much would this "laser light" cost at a derm? thanks...

Originally Posted by xkatiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif If you have a fair complexion, spider veins usually crop up from sun damage, so make sure you were sunscreen and when there on the face there known as 'broken cappillaries'.
Broken capillaries, especially on the face are a cosmetic problem. Mostly known as just ugly imperfections that are relatively harmless and painless, broken capillaries are in fact the sign of damage most often caused by the sun, age or excessive alcohol consumption.

I dont believe a cream can get rid of them.. only the laser light at a derm!

its from the sun i guess, thanks for the info
I'm with ya, Dubsbelle, I have broken capillaries in my lower left cheek. I've tried covering them up with MU but no no avail.

I also heard/read somewhere that getting hot water on your face (shower, etc) might cause them too. Also smoking... (which i'm guilty of)

i dont know, my mom has bad ones on the back of her legs, apprently she got some kind of injection that make them go away for a little while.

i actually had some on my chest area, and it really bothered me. i just went to dr lupo the other day (drmarylupo.com), and we had a session of the schlerotherapy. Its when they inject saline into the vein. she said the most common area that the veins come up is the legs, and then the chest, and then the groin area. sometimes it takes more than one session, sometimes people are satisfied with just one (i paid 250).

while i was getting it done, i'm not gonna lie- IT HURTS! by the time i walked out, the pain was gone. i do have some bruising that she said might last no more than a week, and i should see the results in 4 weeks.

spider veins can be from different reasons, genes, sun, too much pressure to the skin, alcohol, etc.

IPL will erase that. No creams would work no matter what they promise. Even the IPL is not a one time treatment. Usually you see improvement after the third session and also be prepared for maintenance sessions.

i have them on my legs. my mom and her family are the same. hereditary. i heard that it could also have to do with your blood type. vericrose veins runs really bad on her side. she just had one leg done and there's still a big one they have to do. it's a new treatment they have out that's suppose to take care of it in pretty much one session, i guess depending on how bad it is.

I feel for you. Since I was born I have red ones coming out of my nose. I hate them. Other people say they don't notice them until I point them out, but I still can't stand them. People have even asked if I was into drugs and I'm like no... I was BORN with them!

Veins can bulge with pools of blood when they fail to circulate the blood properly. These visible and bulging veins, called varicose veins, are more common in the legs and thighs, but can develop anywhere in the body.

Small "spider veins" also can appear on the skin's surface. These may look like short, fine lines, "starburst" clusters, or a web-like maze. They are typically not palpable. Spider veins are most common in the thighs, ankles, and feet. They may also appear on the face. The medical term for them spider veins is telangiectasias.

Spider veins are small superficial blood vessels that appear red or blue in the skin. They commonly occur on the legs, but are also found on the face or other areas of the body.

If you only have a few broken capillaires on your face one laser treatment usually costs about $150.00. I had alot of broken capillaries lasered about 5 years ago. They were from tanning. I used to spend alot of time in the sun and in tanning beds. It took 4 to 5 treatments for me to get rid of them and cost me $800.00 total. My case was extreme because my whole face was affected with broken capillaries. Most people don't have that many.

My face looked amazing once I got rid of them!!! I don't need to wear foundation anymore. The constant pink or reddish tone to my face is gone. For me it was worth the money. The only problem is that if you are prone to get broken capillaries you probably will get more eventually after your laser treatment. It's been 5 years for me and even though I avoid the sun I do have a few more. Not many though. Nothing like what I experienced before. I plan on going back for 1 touch up laser treatment. That should take care of them.

There isn't any product you can buy that will get rid of broken capillaries so don't waste your money. If you want them gone you need to get a laser treatment.

I HATE spider veins. They look so unnatural and freakish. Thank God I don't have them on my face (yet) but I have so many in random place across my body. Since spider veins in the face can be caused by sun I will most definitely be sure to wear plenty of sun block to prevent it. Thanks for the info!

Spider veins most of we can find on a face and leg. it is a small twisted veins. when the our body blood circulation is stop  at one place and that blood colour is can be a red or can be a convert in look like purple,blue or black. and it become as a veins.


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