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Mar 3, 2007
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Watching America's Next Top Model got me thinking...

Who smokes here? ( who's willing to admit it lol )

Do you smoke for a reason?

Do you intend to quit?

I have taken up smoking again , mainly because of nerves. I'd really like to quit. I HATE being a slave to it!

I used to smoke off and on for about 10 years. I started when I was 13 - horrible, I know. But now I rarely do it.

I used to smoke everyday - cause I love the taste of it and how it feels. I am definitely"psychological" smoker cause I never experienced any physical withdrawal symptoms - my need was always psychological cause smoking is pleasant for me (I can see smoke haters cringing now
) - something like with eating candy and drinking soda. I tried to quit cold turkey but it did not work because having something as forbidden fruit tends to tempt me even more... So I ended up cutting down drastically, and I reconditioned myself from smoking every day to only smoke on special occasions (usually when I drink too) - and so far it has been working. I know it is not healthy but I am happy I don't have to smoke every day now - I just don't think about it on "normal" days anymore. On average, I smoke half pack on weekends.
I don't smoke, and I can't stand those who smoke near by me. It's not that I hate smoker it's because the smoke really makes me feel sick, like bad headache and vomit

Even when my husband smoke, he usually stays away from me. I just can't stand the smoke.

I smoke. ::hides::

I've been smoking for several years, and I think it's become more of a habit than me actually enjoying it.

I would like to quit, it's really hard when your hubby smokes too.

I smoked for 25 years and just quit a month ago. It's been really really hard and that's another reason I am always on here. I have to keep my hands busy. I didn't worry about the effects of it when I was younger and the older I got, the harder it was to quit. I felt like a hypocrite preaching health to my patients when I was smoking behind their backs. I've also taken care of a lot of lung cancer patients recently which made me have to face what might lay ahead for me. Look, I'm 42 and I've already done some damage that I can't take back. I have to live with it, but it's never too late to quit and I tell you that if I can do it, anyone can do it. I threw them out. No patch. no nothing. It really sucked the first week. It takes approx 2 weeks for the nicotine to get out of your system. After those initial cravings, it has become much easier. I associate a lot of things with smoking though. Drinking coffee, driving, drinking alcohol. It's still difficult. I won't lie, but now it's a mental thing instead of a physical craving. QUIT NOW!!!! Don't be me in 20 years.

Never ever smoked tobaco... There was a few years in college that I smoked some other stuff.. Lol. But that was almost 30 years ago... My mother and step father both died of smoking related illnesses.. Sad....

I don't smoke and never will. The thing that is stupidest to me is almost every smoker is 'ashamed' of it and whenever you mention it they go 'i know..i have to quit' why start at all then?

But then there are a few who like it and will admit's not so bad then (but still bad..for you)

I'm 27, and never ever even tried a cigarette. I'm proud to say that too. I don't have a problem with smokers though... I don't like it, but it doesn't bother me either.

Originally Posted by MindySue /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't smoke and never will. The thing that is stupidest to me is almost every smoker is 'ashamed' of it and whenever you mention it they go 'i know..i have to quit' why start at all then?
they are ashamed because there is quite a stigma on smokers, especially in this country. hehe, why start at all? same reason why we start doing other things that are not good or healthy for us

I dont smoke. Ive tried it and I about died when I inhaled so I realized that smoking was not for me. I dont like it when people smoke around me cuz it makes it harder for me to breathe which really sucks.

i started smoking for all the right reasons, to hang out with cool kids in high school... when i mean cool kids, i meant the rebellious kids who cut classes and hungout under the bridge by my school. SO STEREOTYPICAL. i was a total good girl til my boyfriend broke my heart and since we all hung out in the same super muffy crowd, i rebelled to the polar opposite.

but it was never an addiction thing for me, even when i was smoking everyday. it was always a social thing. in clubs, when its too crowded you can find peace and solace and your own little group to hang out with in the smoking area. its an easy way to approach anyone "do you have a lighter?"

smoking goes well with being obnoxiously drunk.

but i never (thank god) had addictive issues, my mother is a cardiac care nurse and has dealt with her fair share of smokers, and so i never smoke around her, so if that means for a week or a month or 4 months, its all good.

i definitely do not consider myself a smoker now (with the baby and all), but i will say, on the nights when we have an overnight babysitter, it usually means i am going to be obnoxiously drunk with friends, and well... it all goes together!

It wasn't really until the last 20 years or so that smoking became so taboo. The last TV ad for cigs was in the early 70's. You could smoke on airlines until the 80's Not all that long ago. Hell, Nascar was sponsored by Winston until Nextel took over. My point is that there was once a time when smoking was fashionable albeit stupid. I was 17 when I started though I don't really remember the circumstances. If I could do it over, I would have never picked up the first one. Nicotine is a drug. A highly addictive one at that and while I applaud those who have had the sense never to light up, I have the utmost sympathy for those who have and have ever tried and hopefully succeeded in quitting. It's a *****, really. You are withdrawing from a drug and some people can't succeed b/c of that. I will never be one of those "reformed" smokers though. If you are alive and can read or write, you already know that smoking is bad for you. I despise holier than thou attitudes about this. Nuff said.

im not "ashamed" to admit im a smoker.. if you try to make me feel that way "shame" on

i dont know why i picked up the nasty habit but i use to really enjoy smokeing, i dont so much anymore and want to quiet because of the fear of health problems related to smokeing.

I dont smoke and i dont like being around people who smoke because my i start coughing and sneezing.

I don't smoke, never started. My brother smokes though and my Dad used to. He gave up over 10 years ago.


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