i started smoking for all the right reasons, to hang out with cool kids in high school... when i mean cool kids, i meant the rebellious kids who cut classes and hungout under the bridge by my school. SO STEREOTYPICAL. i was a total good girl til my boyfriend broke my heart and since we all hung out in the same super muffy crowd, i rebelled to the polar opposite.
but it was never an addiction thing for me, even when i was smoking everyday. it was always a social thing. in clubs, when its too crowded you can find peace and solace and your own little group to hang out with in the smoking area. its an easy way to approach anyone "do you have a lighter?"
smoking goes well with being obnoxiously drunk.
but i never (thank god) had addictive issues, my mother is a cardiac care nurse and has dealt with her fair share of smokers, and so i never smoke around her, so if that means for a week or a month or 4 months, its all good.
i definitely do not consider myself a smoker now (with the baby and all), but i will say, on the nights when we have an overnight babysitter, it usually means i am going to be obnoxiously drunk with friends, and well... it all goes together!