Skin lightening question forums

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Nov 11, 2006
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OK so I'm thinking about lightening my skin, my body not really my face. How do I go about this? Any good ideas?

Rub some lemon on it..Lemon is said to have lightening effect on the skin..OIh dont forget to wash it off after ..say..15 minutes

Just curious... Why would one want to lighten their skin? I know people tan for darker skin, but not so much have I heard on lightening one's skin...

I know lots of people who ended up patchy like vitaligo because they tried to lighten their skin.

There are lots of skin lightening products out there, but I'd say do your search before choosing one b/c some ingredients can actually be hazardous to your skin... (such as hydroquinone and mercury)

I don't use any skin lightening products, just wanted to let you know.

You hear about more people getting tans than you do lightening skin.

But yeah, lemon usually does the trick.

dont change your mind because what others think. if u want to do it... thats your business. u dont owe anyone an explaination.
Well if u ever decide to lighten your skin again, I'd advise against using commercial products because they tend to have scarey chemicals in them that are very bad for you skin. So stick to gentle stuff like lemon juice, lactic acid and creams that AHAs in them -it will take longer but u won't end up with pitted and scarred skin when you older.

Other wise just be happy with the way you are, bleaching skin to get lighter and tanning skin to dark is a bit silly in my opinion, not to mention how dangerous it can be.

In other parts of the world, such as the Philippines where my grandma's from (she always pressured me to stay out of the sun) light skin is prized.

My skin got light after using tri-luma. But if you want something less expensive and less harsh, Papaya is a natural skin lightening fruit used in a lot of Filipino products.


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