Soory I'm a little late to reply but here is what I'm noticing from what you write.
Ok my first question is what percentage of glycolic acid is in your toner? The most it should be for your skin type is 8% and even then I think this might be too harsh for your skin type. If you find that the glycolic acid is helping. I would instead use a low percentage glycolic night cream. This way you're getting both the glycolic acid and a light moisturizer at night, but I don't suggest using a glycolic toner 2x a day. This is probably just irritating your skin even more.
If you're looking for a toner to absorb access oils without dyring out your skin, I highly suggest an all natural toner with essential oils like Tea Tree. The one I use has Tea Tree Oil, Manuka Oil(which is from the Tea tree family, but up to 50% more effective at killing certain bacterias), Palmarosa Oil which helps regulate oil production, Rosemary Oil which is a high anti-oxidant, Green Tea Extracts which is also a high anti-oxidant, and Algae Extracts which help regular oil production as well. Even though yes I have a skin care line and make it, it works wonders for my skin so when looking for a toner, look for one with those similiar ingredients. If you're looking for a name brand Dr. brandt makes a similiar toner.
Personally I think these two changes might make a huge difference. Also when moisturizing your face, only use it where you absolutely need it. If you do end up using a glycolic acid night cream I think you might notice you don't need a moistuizer during the day. Many times by adding a moisturizer you could be adding access oils to your skin which will in turn cause more breakouts.
Another question is how does your skin feel after washing it with your cleanser? It should feel moisturized and not dry or irritated after. Then by adding a very gentle toner only on oily areas and acne areas, you might be able to completely cut the moisturizer during the day.
I hope some of this info has helped, keep us posted!
Originally Posted by whoaitschell i just moved into my dorm on saturday (it being monday today) and i am already embarrased about having to do all my skincare stuff amongst other people... i feel like my skin routine is too much, i wish it would be easy. my skin is looking not so great also... i am pale & have a tendency to get blotchy easy. the less i do to my face, the better it looks usually. i have combo skin by the way. i also have minor acne and lots of post-acne red marks (which i hate). my skin is sensitive... i always sunburn but then it turns to a tan, but the heat in general can make me a little red. if i get slapped on the leg, ill get a red mark. i just wish i could walk down the halls without having to look down and be scared someone is looking at me
is there any products that would suit me better? also, BP drys my skin out too much and i always have flakys AND it doesnt seem to really do alot, is there anything easier i could use for my acne? i was thinking about trying the st. ives scrub for oily/acne prone skin and ditching the bp. right now i use:
cetaphil moisturizing bar
glycolic toner on bad spots
bp 2.5 lotion of spots
cetaphil lotion on dry areas / pure aloe vera all over
mac studio fix & blot powder
purity made simple to get make up off
cetaphil moisturizing bar
sometimes: st ives apricot scrub
glycolic toner all over
bp 2.5 or my 5% on bad spots
cetaphil lotion/pure aloe vera all over
i am just really confused right now & the BP doesn't seem to really help my acne at all.
any suggestions would be great!