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Jul 1, 2011
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I have a ton of skin colored bumps on my face... Not whiteheads or pimples... Any suggestions for me to help them go away

you may want to see a dermatologist. i could be exima or another minor skin condition

*edited by mod*
Need more details. how big are they? are they all over your face? did they just suddenly occur? did you eat or do anything out of the ordinary?

The same thing happened to me a couple nights ago--out of the blue and almost instantly, I got a bunch of really small bumps all over my face and neck. It makes my jaw feel like I have stubble or something lol. I think it's probably an allergic reaction to something :/

A while back I had tiny skin-toned bumps around my eye area after I started using a new eye cream.. I took it out of my routine and new bumps stopped appearing, over time they started to disappear~ (same thing happened when I tried a new face moisturizer that did not work for my skin type, which is oily combination and sensitive) I should also note that not ALL of the of bumps disappeared... =(

Recent changes in skincare routine or makeup can affect your skin and as mentioned previously by americanclassic a change in diet or allergies(which can develop at anytime in our lives) could have negative impact on the condition of the skin~ Hopefully this helps and that your skin goes back to normal soon~~

Originally Posted by eLLah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

A while back I had tiny skin-toned bumps around my eye area after I started using a new eye cream.. I took it out of my routine and new bumps stopped appearing, over time they started to disappear~ 

This is a very common occurrence when someone changes to a new product that actually is, in fact, to rich for their skin. I did that with an eye cream as well. I switched to a different kind when the brand I was using came out with one that was supposed to be better. What it did, actually, was contained more oils which the area around my eyes didn't need that much of and clogged the pores in the area, causing little white/skin toned bumpies. It's important to know how much moisture your skin and eye area needs so you don't use too much. YES, you can over moisturize!!  

My suggestion is to stop using everything you're using (especially new stuff), and start over by looking for "lightweight" or "sensitive skin" skin care. If it is not enough, then go from there.

I've had the same thing happen to me if I've used products that are too heavy for my skin.

well i have bad acne too. to get rid of it like bit more fast than usually you go to the doctor and tell them about your acne (don't worry about showing them your acne they seen worst) and they write a prescription for you for "Clindoxyl Gel" it works really well you wash your face and apply it then the next day it shrinks down really fast. (P.S don't eat alot of junk food it makes alot of pimples on your face and you will only wonder how to get rid of acne) and using a soap bar makes it really worst. Ok well a couple of things, 1. You should not just be washing your face with soap. There is a reason why they make face washes. The science behind it is, most washes and soaps are not pH balanced. Our skin has a thing called an "acid mantle." Which is around a pH of 4.5. When you wash with a high alkaline soap, you raise your skins pH that results in dryness. and can evn result in lizard skin. this happens because the high pH sends the enzmyes in our skin that are responsible for natural exfoliation into hyperdrive. I would strongly suggest you go to the drug store and buy a cheap wash. IF you can i would even higher recommend you buy a nicer face wash that is pH balanced like Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel. But since you have acne, you are best off getting an acne wash. They make an acne wash too, but acne washes can not be perfectly balanced for our skin, or else they would not be able to kill the bacteria. 2. Never use toothpaste as a spot treatment. The fluoride in toothpaste is known to burn the skin. Instead invest in a nice spot treatment for your breakouts. 3. If you wear a helmet, wipe down the straps and pads in the helmet with an alcohol pad. If you wear a backpack, get an acne face wipe, and wipe down your back after your bike. The increase sweat causes an increase of bacteria. An acne face wipe can also help keep your face free of breakouts, or at least be used to spruce up before and after work  
This could be a cause of many things such as: allergic reaction, new product, medication, stress, etc! They can sometimes take up to 2 weeks to go away! To speed that up I recommend you buy a deep cleaning sensitive skin astringent you can buy it at the dollar store! Follow these steps: Step 1 wash your face as usually (cold water keeps my breakouts away) Step 2 take some cotton balls pour some astringent on it and wipe your face until you see no more dirt! Step 3 get the water as hot as you can stand and run your wash cloth under the water and squeeze it out some what, just enough that it doesn't drip then lay it on your face till it cools. Step 4 immediately moisturize your face with a lotion that doesn't have any fragrance! I recommend you use sensitive skin products on your face!! Do these steps everyday twice a day, morning and night until your face clears up! Once it clears! Once clear only use the astringent once a day 5 to 7 times a week!


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