Should he be banned from school because of his hair? forums

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Jan 10, 2007
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<--------His hair

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Should he really be banned from school for this?

That's prejudice IMHO... I've NEVER attended a school that said boys couldn't have long hair. That's so messed up.


I would compare asking him to cut his hair with asking an Apostolic woman to cut her hair or to wear pants. Any school that refused my child to dress in a manner that was part of his/her religion or ancestry would not have my child as a student.

Does anyone else find it odd that a school district has a hair code? It took years before they started enforcing the dress code here and it's pretty simple.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

One of the most basic human rights of self expression is being tarnished here.

If we let this school board get away with this atrocity, then you can only imagine what will come next!

What will happen next? Maybe the school will say only people of one hair color or of one skin.

This must not be allowed.

Since when having long hair makes it an impediment to attend school and learn, no matter who it is, a boy or a girl they are allowed to shorten or leave their hair long, where in the world is that rule that says that boys/men are not allowed to let their hair grow? Seriously, there are other things in this world that are more important for people to waste their time on something like this. So much bullcrap...

Although I hate seeing kids with messy hair lol I dont think he should. Schools are getting so ridiculous. ugh

The school I went to enforced the length of hair, for boys it could be no longer than collar length. I dont remember anyone ever breaking it, though. Oh and I voted no

I think it's completely idiotic that they're trying to ban him. Everyone is entitled to look, act, or think what they want in this world and if he's not hurting anybody, why should it matter what length his hair is?

I vote no.

This is somewhat local for me (Houston here). That figures, I swear Texas has strange rules and laws!

That's crazy that they won't let him attend school there because of his hair! I've never heard of such a rule till now.

Ahhh No!!! We have lots of guys with long hair in our school system... I don't see what the problem is? My son has a mohawak... It's yellow today I think! lol

Definitely high school didn't have a rule about hair length, but our hair could only be dyed natural colors.

Ok, I would have said no without even reading the article. It's rediculous for them to ban him.

But after reading the article, I feel even more strongly about it because they said he wears his hair long for religious reasons. I mean, come on! He's not even doing it to be rebellious!

His long hair is not hurting anyone.

Originally Posted by xtiffanyx /img/forum/go_quote.gif Definitely high school didn't have a rule about hair length, but our hair could only be dyed natural colors. Damn, that´s crazy too. To be honest don´t see why students should be restricted in their clothing/styling AT ALL. (besides the obvious, like gang signs and offensive statements on shirts etc)
The men of the Sikhe community do not cut their hair or shave - but they do put their hair up.

If this boy's hair is that much of an issue - couldn't he wear it in a pony tail or braid so it looks neat and tidy?

I think this is a subject that will come down to comprimise.

I think it is ridiculous. At my school there wasn`t.

But i know at the Catholic School in town if you didn`t do it by a certain date and a certain length you were suspended until you got it cut

Originally Posted by dixiewolf /img/forum/go_quote.gif The school I went to enforced the length of hair, for boys it could be no longer than collar length. I dont remember anyone ever breaking it, though. Oh and I voted no The school I attended had a rule that the boys hair could not touch their collar and had to be above their ears but it was a strict Baptist private school. They also had a rule about not wearing eyeliner for the girls.
Some boy at my high school got suspended for a month because he refused to shave off his mohawk, it's so silly!

What a bunch of BS. Unless they're going around demanding all the girls in the school keep their hair short as well, the people in charge at that school need to stfu, gtfo and take their fail with them.

