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Jul 21, 2006
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I have no idea why, but the last few months, every time I wash my hair, I've been losing TONS, and it's been super-tangly. It's NEVER done this before. Luckily, I have super-thick hair. Otherwise, I'd be bald by Christmas... LOL What do I do? Am I lacking an important vitamin??



you might want to go to the doctor and make sure there isnt a physical/nutritional/allergy reason for this.

are you useing new products?

are you going through alot of stress?

diet wise there shouldnt be somthing your missing so badly your hair is falling out without any other symptoms but a multi vitamin is always a good idea and protein and biotin are 2 biggies for "healthy" hair.

Honestly, I don't really do anything to my hair. I wash it, condition it, and air dry it. Sometimes I'll use an anti-frizz product... I've recently been using a detangler, but it's not working. Maybe because it's Johnson's baby brand, $2.50. LOL

Yeah, you're probably right. I've been slacking in the protein department lately. I will also try to be more diligent about taking my vitamins.

I have heard that Garlic Shampoo is good at stoping shedding. Queen Helene makes one that you can purchase at Sally. ITA on the idea of upping your protein intake.

Actually, the Queen Helene is unscented, but there are other brands that do have a slight garlic smell.

Maybe you need to take some vitamins and review your diet . You may also be stressed out. Garlic shampoo and a good protein treatment is excellent for shedding. I highly recommend Nutrine Garlic shampo (scented)


Do you wear your hair up a lot? Hair normally sheds about 50-100 strands a day, so if yours is tied back until you get in the shower... it could be just normal shedding. I would try the vitamins or shampoos and see if you notice a difference.

NYAngel98, actually, that makes a lot of sense! Yes, I keep my hair tied back most of the time. Thank you for the sigh of relief!

LOL... now BREATHE!!!!
Happens to me too if I put my hair back (pony, bun, 'chignon'... etc) try blowdrying it straight one day, and when you take a shower, see if you shed less.
I know I do.
If the hair is tied back, there is nowhere for those hairs to go... so you'll find them wrapped around the scruchie, the elastic, and in your hand in the shower.

Stress makes hair fall out

have you had any chemicals put in your hair? straightening perms color ?

that could be it also.. it might be overworked and not strong enough as it used to be.

i have that problem.

i never wear my hair up though, but im gonna have to start taking vitimins if its gonna make a difference.

cause my apt. is pretty much covered in my hair that has falled out.
