Originally Posted by Annelle /img/forum/go_quote.gif Have you tried the depilatory cream things? (like nair and them)
Basically you put the cream on your legs, let it sit a few minutes, then you wipe it off with a washcloth. It kind of disintegrates your hair, and when you wipe off with the cloth, it breaks the hair below the skin line. supposedly it is supposed to be closer than a shave since it breaks off the hair below the skin, and a razor is cuts off at skin level, which means a bit longer wait time before you have to do it again.
I haven't used these products in at least ten years, but the last time I tried to use Nair it didn't work out well for me. If I left it on for the maximum allowed time, it didn't remove all of my hair, and if I tried to leave it on for even a minute or two more it would burn my skin.