Shaving legs however there's still stubbles. Help please? forums

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Feb 10, 2011
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Whenever I shave, not matter how much I do there will always still be stubbles barely poking out. So whenever I touch my skin in an upward motion I feel the prickly hair. It's really gross
So far I use
1. Gillete fusion proglide(5 razor) with a battery
2. Shaving cream (sensitive)
3. Shave against the grain.

I also have thick course hair.
So help me please? Is there any way (without waxing or laser? Can't afford it) Thanks!

i know sometimes I get dry skin right after shaving and it feels like hairs and I just put lotion on my legs and problem solved.

I say epilator and and for the little thin hairs, I use one of those sandpaper things that rub away your hair.  If you can spare the $$$, I'd say get a No! No!.  

Originally Posted by ChibiusaChan /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Whenever I shave, not matter how much I do there will always still be stubbles barely poking out. So whenever I touch my skin in an upward motion I feel the prickly hair. It's really gross

So far I use

1. Razor (5 blades

2. Shaving cream (sensitive)

3. Shave against the grain.

I also have thick course hair.

So help me please? Is there any way (without waxing or laser? Can't afford it) Thanks!
When do you shave? Morning or evening? If you shave in the morning try the evening, if in the evening try the morning. Also try exfoliating your legs with a wet wash cloth before shaving don't use anything like a loofah since it can over exfoliate leaving your legs overly sensitive. Shave your legs with luke warm water the same way you're currently shaving them. Rinse and then with a cool wash cloth go over your legs again and check, if you feel stubble still re-shave. If this still doesn't work for you try a cream product like Veet.

Maybe try a different razor.  The 5 blade walmart store brand razor I bought did not shave as well as my DH's Gillette Fusion Power.  Actually, that was probably the best razor I owned/borrowed :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. 

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

When do you shave? Morning or evening? If you shave in the morning try the evening, if in the evening try the morning. Also try exfoliating your legs with a wet wash cloth before shaving don't use anything like a loofah since it can over exfoliate leaving your legs overly sensitive. Shave your legs with luke warm water the same way you're currently shaving them. Rinse and then with a cool wash cloth go over your legs again and check, if you feel stubble still re-shave. If this still doesn't work for you try a cream product like Veet.
I tried both times. I tried in morning and evening already. I also tried exfoliating my legs with those exfoliating gloves. I tried repeating. And I also used nair before, not sure if there is a difference though. Anyways thanks, anymore ideas? ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Maybe try a different razor.  The 5 blade walmart store brand razor I bought did not shave as well as my DH's Gillette Fusion Power.  Actually, that was probably the best razor I owned/borrowed :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. 
The 5 blade at walmart that I got was a Gillete fusion proglide(5 razor) with a battery. ;l. Do you think this is good enough?

Originally Posted by ChibiusaChan /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The 5 blade at walmart that I got was a Gillete fusion proglide(5 razor) with a battery. ;l. Do you think this is good enough?

that's the one you are using?  Have you tried shaving your legs last thing...soap, shampoo, then shave just before you get out so your hairs stand out more?  That's what you'd do if you were epilating is to epilate after you shower.

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

that's the one you are using?  Have you tried shaving your legs last thing...soap, shampoo, then shave just before you get out so your hairs stand out more?  That's what you'd do if you were epilating is to epilate after you shower.

I never thought about that. But wouldnt that more likely get me razor bumps? Especially because I have a bigger chance of cutting the bumps?

I use the Venus shaving works pretty good for me. But what you can try doing is before you shave is wipe your blades with rubbing alcohol on a cotton. I think that helps for razor bumps.

Originally Posted by chic_chica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I use the Venus shaving works pretty good for me. But what you can try doing is before you shave is wipe your blades with rubbing alcohol on a cotton. I think that helps for razor bumps.

Thanks I'll try that. Well right now the thing I'm wanting most is no visible hair on legs right now ;l Gr.

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Why not wax your legs? 
It's just sooooo expensive lol! I don't have a job because my parents won't let me (for personal reasons) Anyways so like ya.

buy some DIY wax.  The Surgi wax is only about $10.  It is good for really course hair.  

If you really can't afford it, sugaring is the original form of waxing.  This can be made by cooking 2 cups of white sugar with 1/4 lemon juice and 1/4 cup water.  There are instruction on youtube on cooking it.  I suggest watching a couple of them to get the feel of how it should look when it is ready for use. 

If you're in the US then you can get waxing products at Sally Beauty. The same wax Divadoll recommended above costs under $7 at Sally's. There is also one by Surgiwax specifically for legs Surgi Wax Microwave Hair Remover for Body & Legs. Another good brand is GiGi which is also sold at Sally's. If you're not in the US or don't have a Sally's beauty check out your local drugstore like Walgreens, CVS, RiteAid, etc since I believe all three sell SurgiWax. If not in the US check out your local drugstore or big box store (anything similar to Walmart) and see if they carry it or something similar.

I'm not brave enough to wax myself. I'll be too afraid to pull! Someone would probably need to do it for me! lol
