QOTD July 2, 2012: Does Weather Affect Your Mood?

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May 3, 2010
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It's July and it has been raining non-stop today.  Its cold and I'm considering turning on the fireplace in the livingroom.  I'm tired and lazy.  Its days like this that I am glad that I got myself a treadmill.  I wasn't hoping for days like these but there seems to be lots of them lately :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Does weather affect your mood and what you do that day?  

It gets so unbearably hot here in the summer that all I really want to do is stay inside and not move. I don't dare put the AC on as low as I require it to be comfortable (around 73 - 74 degrees). We get so few rainy days here, it's envigorating when it happens and I am up and about no problem. My more active days come in "winter" and spring, when the weather is much better. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm a reverse bear! LOL

This past week here it's been up in the 100s but with humidity feeling about 110-115F.  I can tolerate alot of cold and hot weather but I absolutely HATE humidity. I sweat instantly, feel gross and slimy all day, and don't want to do anything in general but lay in a cool tub.

In winter it is gorgeous here and I am happy as a clam with my cool sunny days. In summer it is a misery. This week the temps have been ranging between 100-115. It definitely effects how I feel. I hate being hot. Every year I kick myself for still living in a desert until winter comes and I have cool cloudless days and I remember why.

It affects my mood waaay more than I want it to. If it's all cloudy and the city just looks grey and boring, I get so tired o:

It actually doesn't affect my mood all that much. I try not to let the weather get to me too much. That way I make room for other stuff to irritate me! hahaha

I live in the dessert so during the summer I'm a bit grouchy. When I see dark clouds and rain...I'm on cloud 9.

Another person, living in the dessert, i'm sooo sick of not having rain and 4 seasons!! I miss it!!

 This wk , i've been soo sick, bc the barometic pressure system. and pollen... when the temps hit the low 60's at night, then go to high 90's in the day, plus humidity.. totally messes my body up. Been miiiissserable!

I don't even want to know how high my electric is going to be.. Meanwhile 30 miles inland, on the coast, its a nice "balmy 75 degress, arghhhh!!! lol


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