I found some more info on this topic:
How to Grow Bushier Eyebrows
Have you over-tweezed your eyebrows? Are you tired of having skinny lines over your eyes? Or did you accidentally tweeze them too far apart? Here's how to make sure your eyebrows look as nice as possible while you grow them back.
1. Go to a nice salon. This might cost a lot of money, but they will show you how to use a brow pencil to fill in your brows or help you to brush up on your skills if you already know.
2. Buy an eyebrow pencil that is a shade lighter than your hair.
3. Use your eyebrow pencil to fill in your brows while you wait for them to grow back in.
4. Try using a product like Talika Eyebrow Lipocils. It is specifically for promoting the regrowth of overplucked eyebrows (in about 30 days) and consumer buzz says it works.
5. When a hair pops up in a place where even the bushiest eyebrows don't go, pluck it.
* To avoid overplucked eyebrows in the future, if you are going to have a professional pluck your eyebrows, go to the best salon you can afford and ask to see pictures of their work. Alternatively, ask someone whose brows you admire where she had them done.
* No matter what, DO NOT give in to the temptation to pluck until you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing -- or, if you have already made a huge mess of your eyebrows, never pluck them yourself again!