Procter & Gamble Buys Fekkai forums

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Aug 9, 2006
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The beauty bigwigs at Procter & Gamble just scooped up a fine Frenchman's haircare line. It was just announced that P&G has purchased the Frédéric Fekkai brand. There aren't many details yet, but here's what could happen because of the deal:
  • Fekkai products in more stores: Right now, Fekkai is stocked at fancypants places such as Neiman Marcus and Sephora. Don't be surprised if the line expands into a few more stores and gets better counter space in existing ones.
  • More advertisements: P&G has the budget to create lavish, pricey ad campaigns. Until now, Fekkai's growth has been due to editorial mentions. Will we start to see print advertisements?
  • Celebrity endorsements?: I think this idea is a stretch, but you never know. Frédéric Fekkai does a lot of A-list hair. And just as Cate Blanchett is the face of SK-II (also owned by P&G), perhaps another refined celebrity would fit with the Fekkai brand. Again, I think it's pretty unlikely, but time will tell.
By the way, Procter & Gamble owns many more beauty companies.

I definitely won't buy this as Proctor and Gamble do loads of animal testing for cosmetic ingredients which I think is horrible.

I wonder if this would be the highest priced hair care line for P & G?

I remember when P & G purchased Infusium23. I think P & G modified the formulas somewhat.

It would be interesting if they modify the Fekkai line or sell it as is.

And if the prices would change or be more reasonable...

Remember back in the 80's when they had that rumor that P&G were Satanists so you shouldn't buy any of their products?
