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I actually had a positive experience with PS CS recently. My situation is a bit weird: I subscribed a while ago to receive the February box using the $5 off code, but then they came out with that INSIDER code so I cancelled my subscription to resubscribe again for 6 months. Then I realized that I'll be receiving TWO February boxes! Technically they don't put inactive subscriptions on the waitlist to receive an earlier box so they offered to put my currently active 6 month subscription on the waitlist, but that means I would STILL receive two boxes in February. After asking them again and explaining my situation they said they'd make an exception and put my inactive subscription on the waitlist since technically I AM an active subscriber  :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

That was very nice of them and hopefully I will receive the January box.
