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May 23, 2005
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In the spirit of a thread that Laura started awhile back reminding everbody what can possible happen if they forget to take their makup off....

I would just like to warn everybody to be careful....

Well, this morning :wacko:Spaz Central :wacko: (aka me) was using her Panasonic Eyebrow I am between waxings, blahblahblah......and so I swear I'm sober..and the little thing is buzzing I start trimming my eyebrows....and my hand is verticle and all of a sudden I feel this wierd little *tug* like sensation on my eye....I had sliced off part of my eyelashes:eek:!!

I was like..WTF!! be careful..dumb a**!...So I go back to work and I do it again!!!!:clap:cool:.

So now I have almost completely shorn eyelashes on my left eye.

I'm so P. O.'d at myself..and I went out and bought the Maybelline Lash Stylist stuff yesterday and now...?? :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So I know everybody is way more careful than I am.... just a *reminder* .

Yours Truly, Dumb as Toast!

Darn bumm deal. I'm sorry to hear this. are you doing the false eyelashes until they grow back? Sounds like something that would have happened to me....don't be so hard on someone else said, it can only get better, right?

That's terrible! I agree with Kwitter.. maybe you can try some falsies until your eyebrows grow back, which shouldn 't take long. Best of luck.

Oh no! I mentioned this in my other post about your cool haul....but I've done it too. Just a little bit. Kind of a "trim"...yikes! loL! Maybe we can look back and laugh? ugh! Here's a big hug coming your way :wizard: ((((((( u )))))))))

Hope the new lashes work out. I'm sure your natural one's will grow back soon! ;0) Luv ANyah

P.S. I'm so excited to see that you were going to try that cool mascera! FYI it was kind of hard to get off. Mabe I need more than my normal face wash... like My eye make-up remover I was too lazy to use...whoops! lol!

Uh Oh! I'm sorry! Hang in there because they'll grow back and in the meantime you can wear falsies.

OMG, that's just aweful! I'm sorry this happened to you! The good thing is they will grow back.


uh, well, even before this happened I could never apply false eyelashes I've got to go back to the drawing board. It's no big deal. I just wanted to warn other MUT'ers who have this tool..I mean, what do I have to do next? keep all appliances not near me? :wacko: .. Tools for Fools??

Y'know, there is a really good thing though, to this, I mean.

I was contemplating getting Lash Extensions like Paris Hilton and spending some $$$ on it. Think how p***ed off I'd be now if I'd hacked those babies off!!!:sadyes:

Thanks, in any case, for the support, girlfriend!

LOL! I wear those anyway!...oh, you mean for my eyelashes!!

Oh, man, at least we can laugh about it...right, Lisa!

:scared: way!!! now I think if I had done that I'd be in so much fracking pain...OUCH! Your poor aunt!!.That's like emergency room time..:icon_cry:
I'm so sorry you went through that. I've had my fair share of hacking, but mine were to my eyebrows. Do eyelashes grow back? Apparently so.....thank goodness! Hang in there!

OMG, that's painful even to read!:icon_eek::icon_cry:But don't worry too much, because makeup is meant to do wonders at camoflauging what's missing--even accidentally, and fleetingly!--and also, your story justifies my strong mistrust of certain "inanimate"objects...Put certain small tools in our hands and what happens is just not our faults!!!

Here's hoping your lashes grow back 7 times as lush, fast. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Thanks you guys are wonderful for all the good advice!! I feel like a big baby. Yes, eyelashes grow back:icon_smil...and realistically, I'm prob. the only one who even notices...but I'm not going to be trying this on my other eyebrow anytime soon, I can tell you that much! :smileno:


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