Overnight conditioning

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Aug 21, 2006
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I have highlights in my hair. I usually use Pantene overnight intensive treatment, but am out. Is there anything else that is a "home remedy?"



any deep conditioner you have put on put a plastic bag on your head and sleep with it on

This might sound crazy, but mayonaisse has made my hair super soft, I don't know about wearing it overnight but I usually rinse it out in the shower and it stays really soft.
Originally Posted by pretty_pink13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif This might sound crazy, but mayonaisse has made my hair super soft, I don't know about wearing it overnight but I usually rinse it out in the shower and it stays really soft. I've heard of using mayonnaise before. Never tried it, but I guess it works pretty well.
I have never tried the mayo either, but wouldn't that make your hair stink if you left it in overnight?

I don't think its a good idea to leave it in overnight, but maybe just for an hour or so and then rinse it out.

I use just regular conditioner and a plastic cap. Sauve Professional Humectant Conditioner is good. I put on a bonnet to absorb the sound.

There is actually a product called hair mayonnaise...i can't remember who makes it though. It works really good...and for extra conditioning, u crack an egg and put it into the conditioner and apply to your hair. I kno it sounds gross but it works well. Its not an overnight thing though.

BTW.......how does Pantene overnight intensive treatment work Micki ??

I love the Pantene overnight treatment. Hair is really soft the next day! They come in individual envelopes/packs.

I've heard about Mayonaisse before and I've seen Julia Robert using it on "Pretty Woman" movie lol. But, I've never tried it though.

I use Camelia Oil a lot for hair conditioning.

I have been using a combo of 2 parts hair conditioner, 1 part honey, and 1 part pure aloe vera juice/gel. I don't leave on overnight though b/c i'm afraid it'll make a mess but I do leave it on for atleast an hour during the day and it makes my hair very soft. The honey is a humectant that draws moisture from the air to the hair. Try it!

Originally Posted by DC-Cutie /img/forum/go_quote.gif I load my hair up w/jojoba oil and the next day wash. It feels sooooo soft I like using jojoba mixed with my essential oils on my hair as a treatment. Great stuff!
I'm surprised no one mentioned this .. coconut oil ! and it doesnt stink

I've used mayo + egg and it can be messy. I just put a shower cap on and let it sit, but definitely don't leave it on all night!

I've heard of using Mayo before, but I don't recall how it's supposed to be used.

I've mixed 2 tblspoon conditioner and 1 tspspoon sunflower oil together. (I'm sure any oil would do). Leave on 15 minutes, rince well. This left my hair feeling soft.

Thanks for all the replies! Sounds like honey would be sticky but smell good. Where do you get all of these oils?

Since I am queen of the cheapies, I always lok through dollar stores for deals.

In the grocery section, there are different edible oils in 3-4 oz bottles.

Katrosier is right - coconut oil is fantastic for hair.

if using egg or mayo on your head dont use too warm water to rinse out or it'll cook....just a little tip i learnt from experience!

Originally Posted by miss_belle /img/forum/go_quote.gif if using egg or mayo on your head dont use too warm water to rinse out or it'll cook....just a little tip i learnt from experience!
lol would it really cook??
