Original Limu

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Sep 25, 2005
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Has anyone heard of Limu?

I went to a get together tonight and they talked about Limu

I've heard people swear by it.

So I bought some.

Anyway, have you tried it?

I've never tried it. How's it taste? I have had noni juice and I like it. Is it something similar?

I had never heard of it before. I had to google it to see what it was. Let us know what you think of it.

It's got a kiwi like taste. I don't like it all that much... I mix it with a little juice.

It's something you take daily.. like 2 ounces a day.

It's supposed to help with everything.. and help the hair grow healthier.

People have lost weight and gained energy.

I just want it b/c I have stomach issues and IBS. I hate doctors and medicines b/c in the US it's all about money.

I'll let ya'll know how it is.



I'll keep everyone posted!

I'll get my Limu by Monday so By wednesday I should feel a difference!

Thanks for the ginger help!


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