I used Accutane for 9 mos, and quite honestly it is a wonder drug! I was very impressed with my results because I had fairly bad acne and nothing Rx was working for it...
I went off the Accutane in January ad only use Differin gel every other night and wash my face with a glycolic acid cleanser and my skin is doing perfectly! I always watch what I put on my face to make sure it won't clog my pores though, if it does I either return it or throw it away!
One thing to watch while you are on Accutane is your skin will probably get VERY dry!! All your skin, your arms, face, legs, back, everything... make sure to really moisturize very well. And always keep a lip balm with you as your lips will get very dry and chapped too!
If you have any questions or need any help with this, please feel free to PM me! Having been through it once before, I might be able to help answer some of your questions...