Nose nose nose... Please help!! forums

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Mar 6, 2010
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So, I dunno if anyone else has this problem, but I have a red nose... Honestly!

Well, I have red.... dry almost rash like things under both my nostrils, which in turn makes my nose appear to be red. I have tried to get rid of it with this cream that I cant remember what its called but I lost it. This is something I have had for YEARS. I can never get away from it! It used to just be one side would get it, and then go away, but after a while it came to both sides and stayed. It's been that way ever since.

I just wanna get rid of it. I do tend to itch or rub my nose A LOT when I am nervous or stressed. It is just a weird habit I've got since this all started. Anyway, has this happened to anyone? And does anyone have any ideas how to get rid of it!? Please!?

Kind of? Its really dry underneath and red. It's like directly under my nose, but doesn't extend past that. Basically I just wanna know how to get rid of red itchyness on your face, it doesn't have to just be on your nose ha

Broken capilaries, allergies, etc. I don't know - why not talk to your family doctor so you can get it treated properly.

If it's just a matter of dryness, try exfoliating (very gently) the nostrils to get rid of the dead skin. Then the best solution i've come up with is layering. Apply first a moisturizer, something for dry skins preferably, but yours will do. Massage it well, and then apply something more greasy and thicker on top, try shea butter, cold cream, or vaseline.


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