Nose job... forums

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Mar 30, 2010
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I didn't know where to post this so i decided to go for "general beauty" lol.

Well, my nose is massive, tilts to the side, has a big bump in it, points downwards. I regularly have moment when i realise just how ugly it is and spend the day looking up nose job prices.

However, not only do i not have the money, there are huge reasons why i can't get it done. It goes against everything i believe in and my morals usually triumph after these "omg my nose is so awful" days. But more importantly, i don't want to be known as that superficial girl who had plastic surgery. Especially to my boyfriend, who i have always convinced not to be so superficial and obsess over weight and stuff. He would see me as fake to some extent, and... i just don't want to lose respect.

Thirdly, i have a stupid condition that i have to spend the rest of my life regularly getting treated so that i look normal. I already feel fake because of that. And part of me's like, "STOP CONCENTRATING ON THE WAY YOU LOOK" because the struggle to be beautiful would never end.

Anyway, i concluded that i AM THE WAY I AM and shouldn't obsess over stupid crap when i'm just doing to get old and die anyway. (Lol)

But i know my "OMG" moments are always gonna come back, especially since my little brother's always talking about how my big crooked nose is so noticeable.

And i guess, i just want someone's opinion on this. I never ever talk about such personal things like this, and you can never get an honest opinion from people in real life!

I'm not sure if you are looking for encouragement to consider surgery one day or if you shouldn't dwell on the subject.

I don't think anything is wrong with plastic surgery. If you are curious as to what a surgeon would say, many will give you a free consultation.

You'll learn what they can and can't do for you, if you even need the surgery, and what the costs will be.

I'm not sure of your age but most plastic surgeons will want you to wait until you are 21 - your face/skull may still be growing/forming.

You have to be happy with your own appearance. What anyone else thinks should be irrelevant.

If it makes you happy.... do it... That's the motto I live by! lol But make sure you get a good surgeon.... have seen some nose jobs gone bad before..... Ekkkkk
Bottom line here is - do what makes YOU happy. But give yourself time, too!! We all have things about ourselves we dislike - and no matter what you think, NO ONE else ever notices these things about ourselves that we pick at. You are your own harshest critic! And over time some of the things you didn't like about yourself, you start not to mind, and maybe even like! There were features on my own face or body that I used to hate, but now they don't bother me because.. well I don't know? I've matured maybe, or just learned to accept myself more...

All in all, give it a good think through and never rush into something like that, but in the end it should be your choice based on what YOU want, not what other people will think. Confidence is the biggest key, whether it's confidence in how you look or confidence in the choices you make to look the way you want.

You are 17 and like Karren said, will probably have to wait til you are 21 to see a surgeon. You have the nose of an indian girl which you are. I know other indian girl with larger noses. It's a hereditary trait. If plastic surgery is against your values then why are you even considering this as an option. You will have to live with the decisions you make. We can give you all the advise in the world but you will live consequences so do what your conscience tells you is right ... and the fact that you can't afford it should make that decision pretty easy to make.

Please remember that if you get surgery and you may still have children with large noses and what advise will you give them?

I say Just do what makes you happy & feel better!!! If you cant pay now Maybe work on saving up for what you want!! Its natural to wonder "what if.." even if it goes against your beliefs But Bottom line If you truly want it for yourself .....Do it & Proudly say "Screw what others say or think"!!!!
Instead of Thinking you'll be known as the "superficial girl with a Nose job" Think "Your the girl who does what she wants for herself when she wants to"!!!!!!!!!Like karen said though if ou do choose to do your research & find a good DR.

i freaking LOVE your nose!!! lol

of course its your decision, but i really like a good indian nose. i think you'd look weird with any other kind of nose.

i know exactly where you're coming from with debating surgery. for years in my teens i wondered about getting a **** job (my breasts are size 32A) because i hated having such small breasts. i'm so glad that i didn't because i've really grown to love my breasts, small as they are.

they're part of me and i like that i can wear tops without a bra underneath or play sports without them waggling away. it's taken me a while to accept them but now that i have i'm so happy i never went through and did something drastic.

at the end of the day, you don't want to be heidi montag, getting surgery after surgery because you're constantly unhappy with yourself. it's healthier to just accept and learn to love what you have- a lovely nose.

I think it suits your face, and I don't think it's too big, but you feel what you feel, and it's difficult to change that.

Like the others have said, I would wait, think about it. You have many, many years ahead of you, that you can use to consider the nose job option.

There's nothing wrong with making that choice, but the one that notices these things more than anyone, is always going to be you

you have beautiful eyes btw!

You know there are probably guys that find your nose a very nice trait. You may wish to change it at some time in the future and if you definitely feel like that in 4 years or so and have the money go for it then. Not so bad

Wow, a variety of responses there. Thanks everyone! I don't really know what i was looking for but some of your comments have been helpful, so thanks guys

Oh Lucy, that's exactly how i feel. I hate my ****s, and my chin, and other things, so i can imagine after getting a nose job i'd want to "fix" other things too. I think i just need to find confidence in myself and work my big nose. Because i don't want to have to think of MYSELF as the person who had surgery to fix this and that for the rest of my life. And, maybe one day... i'll possibly even grow to like my nose. :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I know a girl who had a nose much larger than yours and she got an operation and she now says it was the best decision of her life, and I don't think she comes off superficial at all. Your still pretty, but if it makes you happy go for it.

I'm planning on getting liposuction in a few years when I pay off my college loans. I have an insulin problem that has given me a permanent tire on my belly. The plastic surgeon and an old trainer I had say surgery is my only option. Plastic surgery isn't always done for superficial reasons, sometimes it actually increases overall health.

Aw, that's great. Oh yeah, i agree with you. And i can completely understand why someone would want plastic surgery even for non health related reasons. I don't see people like that as "fake" but if i know i'd want about five more things done to my face after a nose job lol, that would not be a good road to go down.

Why do you think you'd want to do all those extra things afterward, I think that's probably the question you have to ask yourself.


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