Girl, seriously, you do NOT have a 'nose issue' at all. I'd gladly trade mine for yours. Rather than thinking of plastic surgery as an option, I'd look into why your view of your nose is so distorted in your own mind. And I'm not trying to be unkind when I say that. I've had some issues like this myself and was convinced for most of my life that I was thd most hideous thing to walk the earth. I wouldn't evên allow pictures of me to be taken. I had an extremely distorted view of my physical appearance. I say HAD. I finally snapped out of it after putting myself into counseling for a year or so. Likewise my sister, as she was bullemic/anorexic for many years. She's another story. She went from anorexia to crack, to alcohol, etc. And is still in that vicious cycle. It was all connected to abuse wê went through as kids. You wanna know how I see your nose? Slender, attrà ctive, suits your face perfectly. I'm not so lucky, but I've learned that it's the nose I have and can choose to live with it, or torture myself psychologically over it. I even sometimes like my nose now. Never thought I'd ever feel that way. Sometimes things people have said or done to us can seriously skew how we see ourselves physically, and as human beings..