Need suggestions to relieve pain with eyebrow maintenance... forums

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May 29, 2011
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I get my eyebrows threaded every two weeks.  Last time they did a sloppy job, but I think this in part was my fault because it hurt way more than usual. I suffer from terribly summer allergies and my sinus pain just makes my whole face super sensitive. I hate even applying eye makeup. 

anyhow - I'm all doped up on Decongestants and doing every home remedy in the book, but I'm still in a lot of pain and I'm due to have my eyebrows done in a few days.

Suggestions on how to make the experience better for me? I'm already on tylenol & motrin around the clock to manage the pain, but I'm dreading getting my brows done.   My plan of action is to go with no makeup on so I'm not worried about smearing or watery eyes - but is there anything I can put on them ahead of time? 

I've been waxing for years and switched to threading earlier this year because my eyes were getting too irritated from the wax. I love the threading and normally can deal with the pain no problem. 

I've often heard that if you use warm compresses prior to waxing/plucking/threading that it opens the pores and the hair comes out easier and causes less pain.  Worth a try!

Jean is right about that.

Another method, if you're doing your own eyebrows at home apply baby Orajel to your brows (careful not to get in the eyes) and this will help numb the area. If you're going out, apply some right before you go in. Even if they wipe it off your skin if you applied it about five minutes before then it'd have time to be absorbed by the skin so the area will be numb.

ooh I have baby orajel too because baby is teething... Good thought on the warm compresses. I have them because I use them at night to help with my headaches. I know this is only a season, but my eyes water just thinking about going in. When I don't have them done though I have a thick unibrow AND I wear glasses to boot so its just plain necessary!

You just made me laugh!! Unibrow..hahahahahahaha, I understand.  My issue is, I swear my eyebrows grow from my lash line to my hair line!!!  Maybe not literally, but it feels like it sometimes!

If you are using any skin care products with Tretinoin, your skin can be extra sensitive.

Tretinoin is typically found in prescription meds but can also be found in over the counter products at lower doses.

I use Retin A and therefore can't do any facial waxing anymore.

Can you do threading then? I had to stop waxing because of the irritation, but can thread... Plucking is a no-no too... so irritating on me.  I'll have to check my eye products. I really think the sensitivity the last visit was due to my sinuses.

Originally Posted by Dragonfly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If you are using any skin care products with Tretinoin, your skin can be extra sensitive.

Tretinoin is typically found in prescription meds but can also be found in over the counter products at lower doses.

I use Retin A and therefore can't do any facial waxing anymore.

I haven't tried threading before so I'm no sure.

When I pluck my eyebrows, they get a bit sore and red, but only for a short time.

Have you tried shaving it?  You can get a brow shaver.  I find it easier and if you want to grow a thicker brow later in life, you still can.  I was in the habit of having thin brows and now I barely have a brow :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   I use a brow shaver, it takes no time at all and I only pluck the really stray hairs.


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