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Sep 13, 2011
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Maybe someone can help with this....I really hope so!

I've NEVER had a problem with pimples before. Starting 2 months ago, I've started getting pimples. Mostly on my chin, nose and between my eyebrows. I haven't switched makeup recently, haven't used anything new on my face at all. My diet is the same as it always has been and I'm not stressed. 

Anyone know what could be causing this? And how I can clear my skin up? I've tried some face washes to clear it up all they did was dry my face out horribly bad. 

Any and All tips/advice wanted!


That's the T-zone and yea I have bad hormonal acne, I'm even on pills for it 
 So it could be your hormones, because a lot of women get acne on the chin area myself included...Dermatologists recommend against using harsh face washes, because they strip your skin of oil.  You will want to use a gentle face wash, and then apply stronger acne topicals to kill the bacteria on the top layer of the skin and prevent new pimples from forming.  Of course this can only go so far if your hormones are not balanced..  If it gets bad..see a Derm and they will recommend you all the appropriate acne treatments..


Well pimples at this age would happen and it automatically goes but if it increasing you need to consult to skin doctor she/he will give you better suggestion. You can also search on net about various pimple removing cream but kindly read the reviews before you make a mind to opt for any products.


A pimple, also known as a zit or spot is a small pa pule or pustule. Small skin lesions or inflammation of the skin - they are oil glands (sebaceous glands) that are infected with bacteria, become inflamed, and then fill up with pus. Pimples are caused when the sebaceous glands located at the base of hair follicles become overactive; the most vulnerable parts of the body are the face, back, chest and shoulders. Pimples are palpable signs of acne, especially when a breakout occurs.

Brook Ster

Originally Posted by foxyluvsdreamy /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Maybe someone can help with this....I really hope so!

I've NEVER had a problem with pimples before. Starting 2 months ago, I've started getting pimples. Mostly on my chin, nose and between my eyebrows. I haven't switched makeup recently, haven't used anything new on my face at all. My diet is the same as it always has been and I'm not stressed. 

Anyone know what could be causing this? And how I can clear my skin up? I've tried some face washes to clear it up all they did was dry my face out horribly bad. 

Any and All tips/advice wanted!


Originally Posted by davidgomes /img/forum/go_quote.gif


Well pimples at this age would happen and it automatically goes but if it increasing you need to consult to skin doctor she/he will give you better suggestion. You can also search on net about various pimple removing cream but kindly read the reviews before you make a mind to opt for any products.
Well pimples at this stage appears, don't worry about that they come and vanish.....Don;t take much tension because of that pimples appear and use good face wash and If it can't vanish than you should consult the skin doctor

The most important thing to remember is not to panic, they all go away eventually, they're a natural part of life and almost everyone gets them at some point in their life.

I'd recommend Proactiv, it's simple and easy to use and you almost instantly see results after your first time using it. Just be warned you may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation the first time that you use it (this happens to just about everyone).


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