Need hair product recs for wavy hair forums

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Oct 15, 2006
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My hair is wavy and my new hair cut embraces it..haha. I normally blow dry it straight and use a flat iron on it due to my inexperience in styling wavy hair.

It's layered and semi wavy and fairly thick. It has straight parts so not every strand is wavy. I usually pit moose in it though it doesn't give me the look I want.

I want nice, soft, loose waves. I don't like the super hair sprayed/geled look. I need something to give my waves oomph and something to give the straighter portions wave, so the look is consistent.

I don't want to use a curling iron due to the heat damaging my hair. I'd rather wash it, put some product in and let it air dry.

If you have some instructions, list of products, do's and donts or anything else, I'd greatly appreciate it! Oh and I do have bangs


I've had great success with Marc Anthony Curl Defining Lotion and Spray Booster. You can get them at CVS, or other drugstores. It's like $7.99 per bottle. Nice lemon scent, and none of that sticky hold either

Try to find a cream styler that fights frizz and adds definition --- L'Oreal has some as well as Herbal Essences... among others. You also want to avoid 'over-touching' it as it dries.... the more you do, the more it'll frizz up.
