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Aug 11, 2007
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Okay so I used to have shorter than shoulder length hair a couple of years ago and I decided to grow my hair long only I haven't stopped growing it yet because I just don't know what to do with it.

Everytime I go to the hairdresser I end up having a trim rather than any kind of style.

My hair is long (reaches my armpits) and I used to have layers but they've almost completely grown out now. I also have a side fringe (bangs), I've had a side fringe for years now but every time I've had it cut I haven't been completely happy with the end results. It's never the way I want it and now I'm undecided over whether I should grow it out or not so I usually just end up tucking it behind my ear because it's at the stage where it's in my eye.

I also dye my hair red but I'm thinking of trying something else. Not a different colour because I love the red, maybe just a different shade.

I still want my hair long because I like being able to have lots of different styles. Also because I'm really tall I think short hair would make me look too boyish so I want to keep my long hair.

Here's some pictures of my hair:





My hair doesn't look very red in the pictures because I haven't had it dyed in a while.

I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions or ideas about what would suit me? Because I really don't have a clue lol

Pictures would be great

Sorry about the loooong post lol

I think you'd suit a bit of a fringe with long layered hair.. a little like this..


I completely agree with Laura! Plus, a full fringe will make your eyes POP

Thanks guys! I love the Ashlee Simpson hairstyle

Do you think that's a full fringe that she's just separated into two or is it a side fringe?

You have a beautiful hair Katie !

I would get layers, i think i'd grow the side bangs, although my own experience of bangs have prejudiced me against them. For the color, i was thinking a brown leaning towards red (if that makes any sense, lol).

what about a color like this


*the one on the right side... and yes this is an old picture of me, and yes i noticed after the fact of it being taken that i have a huggge piece of ear wax in my ear

or something like this

again the one on the right coloring the bannana


this is actually the same dye job as the first picture just before it faded, (this was the first day i had it done the other was a month later)

this one is a little less red than your current color, and the way the lady did it was a permenent red with a demi permenent brown over it.

Katie, you should totally go with the Ashlee Simpson look! You even look like her already! Plus, you can still keep the red in your hair or go brighter with it. And lots of choppy layers will give your hair more fullness and a rocker-like look!

Yeah I think you do look a little bit like her Katie, especially in the pictures Chelsey posted. I don't really know if its a full fringe or not, I think it's just'd so suit it though!

Thanks guys!

I'm gunna take some pics to the hairdresser when I can next get an appointment (which I hope will be soon cos I really need a haircut), lets just hope I don't chicken out and ask for a trim

I really like the choppy layers she has, I bet mine will never look like that though lol

That would be a hot look. Anybody ever tell you that you look like Cate Blanchett?

Nobody I know has ever said it to me but funnily enough someone else has said it on MUT.

She's pretty though so I'm not complaining haha
