ABSORBING EXCESS OIL: While most people think clay masks are the only way to absorb excess oil on the skin, these are not the only, nor the best choices. I would start with milk of magnesia first. Milk of Magnesia is nothing more than liquid magnesium hydroxide, which is known to soothe skin and reduce irritation, and it has incredible oil-absorbing properties. Magnesium absorbs more oil than clay, and clay has no disinfecting or soothing properties. How often you use milk of magnesia depends on how oily your skin is. Some use it every day; others, once a week. Only you and your skin can determine what frequency works best for you. (You may also want to try Paula's Choice Oil-Absorbing Facial Mask.) Apply a thin layer of Milk of Magnesia over your entire face and allow it to dry for at least 10 minutes. Then gently rinse your face.