Does anyone know of a good makeup school? I'm able to find them online, but I'm just starting to look into the business and am not sure which way to go. If not, does anyone know where you can look to find this information?
I'm probably not the best person to answer this, but if it were me, I would Google "Makeup School" or "Beauty School" and see what your results are. Then, you could email the school to make sure they cater to what you're looking to achieve. Once you have a few school narrowed down that you're interested in, you could arrange a tour and speak with someone from the school - most likely from admissions. Make sure to check to see what the graduation rate is and if they have record of what their graduates go on to accomplish. That should narrow it down a bit more, then you can apply to the remaining schools you'd like to attend.
there's a really good fashion historic who has a blog and puts tutorials and stuff there. Sadly, she doesn't have $ to open a beauty school, but she does put tutorials up and i learned how to do make up from her and she's rly good. here's the website if you want to see her work: