Long hair how?

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Apr 6, 2005
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How do people grow there hair longer, Mine just never grows anymore. What am I doing wrong. What are some great to do' s and some not to do's to getting longer fuller hair. I know take biotin and all that, but is there some other things I might try. Mine seems to getting shorter all the time. It is breaking off and drying out. YU CK

I know this sounds like an old wives tale but It works! Trim your hair by the moon! A full moon effects water just as it does hair. Whenever the moon is full trim your hair the sliiiightest little tiny bit. I would also suggest a healthy diet with lots of protein and water. Flax seed oil pills also work wonders, but you have to take them for awhile before you see results! I've also heard that Dietary supplements for pregnant women work too, But i think that's just the hormones from BEING pregnant so I wouldn't suggest that route...Well good luck, I hope it works out for you!

Originally Posted by MermaidWitch I know this sounds like an old wives tale but It works! Trim your hair by the moon! A full moon effects water just as it does hair. Whenever the moon is full trim your hair the sliiiightest little tiny bit. I would also suggest a healthy diet with lots of protein and water. Flax seed oil pills also work wonders, but you have to take them for awhile before you see results! I've also heard that Dietary supplements for pregnant women work too, But i think that's just the hormones from BEING pregnant so I wouldn't suggest that route...Well good luck, I hope it works out for you! So it has to be the exact day the moon is full????Thanks I will try it. I need to get my hair trimmed tomorrow,Is it a full moon???
Hm, never heard the full moon theory... However, you should get regular trims (every 4-6 weeks) to get rid of split ends. If you don't trim off the split ends, then they will just split further and further up the hair shaft and eventually break off.

Basically, anything you can do to take care of your hair and keep it from drying out or breaking will help! Use a good moisturizing shampoo and contioner, a deep conditioning treatment once a week, try not to blowdry, flatiron, or use a curling iron too often since heat styling can damage your hair. When you do use heat styling, use a heat-protectant spray or cream (I like L'Oreal Hot Straight, they also make a Hot Curly). When you put your hair up, use soft hair bands with no metal to avoid breakage.

Janelle (NYAngel98) will hopefully stop by with some better tips, she is our local hair expert!

yep.. make conditioner your best friend
it helps against split ends.. and do a hairmask once in a while too..

Trim the ends ,use a good shampoo and conditioner I suggest alternate shampoos but stick to 2 shampoos

alternate them.Use hair oils 2 a week use some olive,grapeseed and rosemary put on hot on all the hair scalp and tips, all the hair. Massage the oil for 15 minutes live it on for 30 to 40 minutes and put a shower cap.Then wash your hair with shampoo then conditioner rinse your hair with cool water.When you dry your hair with the towel dont rub your hair with the towel just kind of massage it in.Then use a little of hair serum.

Originally Posted by Denicelpz Trim the ends ,use a good shampoo and conditioner I suggest alternate shampoos but stick to 2 shampoosalternate them.Use hair oils 2 a week use some olive,grapeseed and rosemary put on hot on all the hair scalp and tips, all the hair. Massage the oil for 15 minutes live it on for 30 to 40 minutes and put a shower cap.Then wash your hair with shampoo then conditioner rinse your hair with cool water.When you dry your hair with the towel dont rub your hair with the towel just kind of massage it in.Then use a little of hair serum.

I have never heard of alternating two shampoos, why do you recommend that? Do you recommend two different types of shampoos, or a similar shampoo in two different brands? I would think it would be better to stick to one shampoo, just like how your skin usually does better if you stick to the same cleansers and treatments each day... I'm just curious!
You dont have to but I do it because one shampoo is a thickening shampoo and the other is a moisterising shampoo it works better for me since i dye my hair.I know allot of people do that to.
Originally Posted by Denicelpz You dont have to but I do it because one shampoo is a thickening shampoo and the other is a moisterising shampoo it works better for me since i dye my hair.I know allot of people do that to. Cool, I had just never heard that before! Sounds like it might be a good idea!
Originally Posted by girl_geek Hm, never heard the full moon theory... However, you should get regular trims (every 4-6 weeks) to get rid of split ends. If you don't trim off the split ends, then they will just split further and further up the hair shaft and eventually break off.
Basically, anything you can do to take care of your hair and keep it from drying out or breaking will help! Use a good moisturizing shampoo and contioner, a deep conditioning treatment once a week, try not to blowdry, flatiron, or use a curling iron too often since heat styling can damage your hair. When you do use heat styling, use a heat-protectant spray or cream (I like L'Oreal Hot Straight, they also make a Hot Curly). When you put your hair up, use soft hair bands with no metal to avoid breakage.

Janelle (NYAngel98) will hopefully stop by with some better tips, she is our local hair expert!

Ty Jen!
Actually you did quite a good job there yourself!
Yes, you definitely want to keep your hair healthy. That will stop the breakage (or keep it at bay at least). I'm sure you've heard me ramble on a million times about the HealthySexyHair line... lol You can try that if you'd like. You can trim of a little at a time.... it'll help control split ends while it grows. My hair didn't seem to grow for YEARS past the middle of my back (about bra strap length) but since I've been trying to keep it healthy, I haven't needed as many trims, so I'm sure that has had a part in it finally growing longer this year. Hair is also known to have 'cycles' in how it grows. You maybe in one of the 'rest' stages. But the better shape your hair is in, the faster you'll see it grow.

Good Luck!

Originally Posted by MermaidWitch I know this sounds like an old wives tale but It works! Trim your hair by the moon! A full moon effects water just as it does hair. Whenever the moon is full trim your hair the sliiiightest little tiny bit. I would also suggest a healthy diet with lots of protein and water. Flax seed oil pills also work wonders, but you have to take them for awhile before you see results! I've also heard that Dietary supplements for pregnant women work too, But i think that's just the hormones from BEING pregnant so I wouldn't suggest that route...Well good luck, I hope it works out for you! yes i've heard of that too. but i've never tried it. i always do mine during the day.
Originally Posted by Denicelpz Trim the ends ,use a good shampoo and conditioner I suggest alternate shampoos but stick to 2 shampoosalternate them.Use hair oils 2 a week use some olive,grapeseed and rosemary put on hot on all the hair scalp and tips, all the hair. Massage the oil for 15 minutes live it on for 30 to 40 minutes and put a shower cap.Then wash your hair with shampoo then conditioner rinse your hair with cool water.When you dry your hair with the towel dont rub your hair with the towel just kind of massage it in.Then use a little of hair serum.

Could I just use a hot oil treatment like vo5 or do I have to mix the oil you mentioned above to put on my hair???
This is what I have learned;

First of all your diet is important

Drink lots of water

Deep condtioin at least once a week

Don't use too much shampoo - dries out the hair

Wear protective hair styles when ur at home - bun, braid, etc

take care of your ends- msoturize (carrot cream)

Oil your hair

Less Heat ( blowdry ur hair until 60% dry)

Use toothcombs

Use heat portectant for flat iron, serum to blowdry

Too much protien products bad for the hair -hair braks easily

Mosturize, deep Condtion, Mosturize like crazy

Oh and put less products in your hair thats what really cause split ends - atleast for me.

i'm trying to grow my hair out too, and i'm guilty of not getting a trim in like a year!!
all of these are great tips! i'm really stressing the heat damage though..that can ruin your hair. i only blow dry my hair when i'm going out and want to look nice. otherwise, i'm in a pony or whatever! lol.

Well, I just quit overprocessing my hair, and getting it trimmed regularly. I was relaxing and coloring it, and I quit coloring it. Once I quit that, as well as had it trimmed at leave every 12 weeks (I know, I know!), as well as laid off on the blow dryer and other heating tools, it got healthier and grew longer... I'm still repairing damage to a point, but it's still growing and getting better daily!

I've been taking a hair growth supplements from the chemist. Can't tell if it's working though.

I should add that taking prenatal vitamins helped a lot too! I was pregnant of course then, but they maybe might work still *lol*

Maybe the person cutting ur air is cutting too much or ur not cutting ur hair enough. a natural bore bristle brush should work wonders when you brush ur scalp nightly and dont forget to brade ur hair that works too... good luck

i've heard that if u wash hair more often, like a few times w/ shampoo in each wash will speed up their growth

Originally Posted by aznprettie i've heard that if u wash hair more often, like a few times w/ shampoo in each wash will speed up their growth Maybe, but I also know that washing your hair too much will strip it of its natural oils, which dries out your hair and makes it break off easier! I've read that no one needs to wash their hair more than once a day, and people with dry hair should only wash it a few times a week.