Knotty, tangled hair forums

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Aug 1, 2006
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Hi guys,

was wondering if anyone could help me.... I have the knottiest hair EVER!! Its not so bad on top, but underneath it always gets so matted. My mum said my hairs been like that ever since I was a kid, and it takes me ages to comb it all through. My hair is long, naturally straight with a few waves and I recently got it permantly straightened hoping it would help but it hasnt! Ive tried changing shampoos and conditioners, products, combing my often, but it makes no difference. Does anyone have any suggestions??



I guess you could try some kid's detangling shampoo if you haven't already?

like this:


although there are heaps of products out there!

I have shoulder length, layerd hair.

When my hair gets knotted up, that is a sign I need a good trim.

Using a serum also helps my hair be more manageble.

Tangled/matted hair is a very serious issue.

There is a product on the market called the Take Down Remover Cream it will save your hair. It de-tangles dreadlocks(strands of matted, uncombed hair). Their mint shampoo is great as well.

Originally Posted by tangledhair /img/forum/go_quote.gif Tangled/matted hair is a very serious issue.
There is a product on the market called the Take Down Remover Cream it will save your hair. It de-tangles dreadlocks(strands of matted, uncombed hair). Their mint shampoo is great as well.

are you affiliated with this company?

Matrix detangling solution and Redken extreme anti-snap have made my hair tangle free.

I find if I put in some serum in my hair when it's freshly washed, that helps with detangling, also it's good to use a wide toothed comb after washing, that can help too.
