Kim K....Class or Trash? forums

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Jun 11, 2005
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Okay....I love this outfit, but I would never wear the top tied up that high. She could have tied it at the waist and it would have been "Class" IMO. But of course Kim had to skankify it and show her abs on the red carpet. I have those pants and I love them....but she makes them look Trash.
i agree about the top, but other than that she looks hot!

I agree, I do not like what she did with the shirt. I'm not surprised though, considering the source.

I have the feeling those pants could look a lot better than they do in that pic. And tying a button-up top like that is so 10 years ago! lol!

I'm sorry. I had a pair of those pants in 1973 when I was 8. I didn't like them then either.

Kim's beautiful but she's your average hoochie! (srry) I agree with you guys, the jeans are cute, but the shirt?? It really throws the outfit completely off...Trash

Originally Posted by puncturedskirt /img/forum/go_quote.gif She's very pretty and i like the top but the pants make her look like a midget.. i agree

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