I've lost my MAC Virginity!!!! LOL

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Jul 3, 2004
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Ahhhh heck! I'm no longer the pure one of the group!!!
I stopped in at Macy's and made my first trip to the MAC counter... **sigh** oh it was a sight to behold!!! Now I don't know how easy it will be to stay away!!!
They were all so friendly... very helpful - I even watched one SA do an e/s look on another customer, looked really cool! I can't believe I didn't go there before - it's like a kid in a candy store!! And it was funny actually, b/c I mentioned to the guy helping me that I didn't own any MAC... he gave me a few "ooooh girl, you don't know what you're missing" 's .... and then told me after my purchase that I was no longer a MAC VIRGIN!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Who told him my nickname!?!?! LOL

Anyhooo.... my mini-haul consisted of:

Fluidline e/l in : Blacktrack

E/s in: Jest

E/s in: Sable

Not much, but I'm taking it sloooooow! LOL

Now you guys have to fill me in here... he said something about they recycle & 6 empties gets me a free lipstick? what's that about? Just bring in the cases when I'm done w/ it?

Thank you all for making me a new MAC ****!!!! LOL

I love Jest and Sable, Janelle! I think you will, too!
Awesome first haul!

And with the Back2MAC program, if you turn in 6 empties, you get a free lipstick (anything but the Viva Glams). HTHS!


AAAAHHH.. Go Janelle! MAC Jest is my HG e/s. I LOVE it so dam much. Great choice girlie. Enjoy your goodies

Ooh looking forward to seeing your eye look so Trish coz as i said above Jest is one of my all time fave e/s!

Thanks guys! I can already see a difference w/ the MAC shadows compared to other brands... haven't gotten ready yet, but I was playing with them last night... they really are much more pigmented than others. I guess that's good b/c you probably don't need a lot. The Fluidline is really neat... but I think I'm going to have to practice with that a bit!! LOL I'm used to my pencils, so I feel like a spaz with the brush! The SA reccomended using a small slanted brush to apply it.... which - just so happens I bought the day before @ Michaels' !!! LOL Would ya look at that coincidence!
That's cool that you get a free l/s ... but I think it might take me awhile to use them up! LOL
I will definitely try and get some pics this morning... but might wait until I master this stuff! MAC shadows are so bold that you really can't hide mistakes! LOL
But I really like the JEST - that will definitely work itself into my daily FOTD's ...
If you buy a MAC Palette you can depot them and hand in your empties straight away. Some people like keeping their e/s in pots but i'm a pan girl. So much easier!

Originally Posted by Laura If you buy a MAC Palette you can depot them and hand in your empties straight away. Some people like keeping their e/s in pots but i'm a pan girl. So much easier! ooh yeah - forgot about that! hmmm... I dunno - might check into that... guess it is easier in one case instead of a million little pots all over! LOL Guess I'll have to dig up that thread on de-potting ... just in case!

Originally Posted by Tiel6 Congrats Janelle! I'm a MAC **** too!
Thanks!!! LOL

And Trish... I think I might have to build up the collection a bit... lol I think a pallette of 2 e/s is pretty pathetic!!! LOLOLOL


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