I totally agree with the tea tree oil. The properties of TEA TREE: Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, assists in the healing of wounds and scars. Used to treat acne, blisters, burns, sunburn, cold sores , rashes, warts, fungal infections and wounds. One of the few oils that can be used directly on the skin.
You can also try using an ingrown hair treatment like TendSkin, or the homemade version listed below.
Recipe for homemade TendSkin
What you need:
Uncoated aspirin
70% alcohol
Witch Hazel
A measuring cup/bottle
2 bottles used to shake mixtures
1 8oz or more bottle/container to keep finished product
What you do:
1. Pour 5.5oz of 70% alcohol into one bottle.
2. Drop 18 uncoated aspirins into the alcohol. Cap bottle and shake.
3. Pour 2.5oz of witch hazel into the second bottle.
4. Drop 8 uncoated aspirins into the witch hazel. Cap bottle and shake.
5. Wait awhile (30 minutes to a whole day) for the aspirins to dissolve in the liquids. Shake periodically to help dissolve aspirin and mix. NOTE: not all of the aspirin will dissolve. That’s ok- some of it never will.
6. Now combine both the alcohol and witch hazel mixtures together into one bottle. Make sure you shake it up before you pour them out so you also get the aspirin residue into the new bottle.
This last bottle is your Tendskin! Use 1-2 a day. Reduce usage if you experience dryness or flaking or irritation. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO ASPIRIN. Make sure you shake it well before each use.