I'm dying my hair and I need help! D:

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Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone~

I didn't know if this would be offtopic, so just to be safe, I'll post this here >>;

I'm going to be dying my hair blonde pretty soon, I'm actually going tomorrow to buy the dye, and I was wondering if I would have to bleach my hair beforehand, and put the blonde on afterwards?

My current hair color is close to the color in my avatar, but it has faded a bit; The last time I dyed it was in September cuz I'm poor and can't afford the dye xD;;;

The color I am going to change to is the color that Hamasaki Ayumi has on the cover of her Mirrorcle World single.

I would post a picture, but i don't ahve enough posts to do that, yet v_v;;; It's pretty easy to find though, there are a bunch of pics on google image search, just type in Mirrorcle World and you'll see

Any and all help, tips, or advice will be appreciated very much!!!

<3 SiSi

Thats a really pretty color. I wouldnt mind having that color myself! lol. Buy how much has you're hair lightened? To be on the safe side, you should probably still bleach it, just to ensure that you will get as close to that color as you can. If you don't, you're hair might turn orange (I know from experience LOL). That or try using a color corrector from Sally's!

My hair has lightened a LOT, instead of looking black like in the avatar, it's medium reddish brown, and even some of the color underneath is starting to show through.

Orange, ja? Crap lol...now I just need to convince my mom to buy the bleach ><; She's been dying her hair blonde for years, and she told me that "You don't need to bleach your hair, cuz dying it blonde is just like bleaching it!!" and I'm not so sure that's true >>; xD She does have naturally brunette hair though, and hers always comes out fine. Maybe it's the brand she uses? o_O;

BTW do you know how much bleach is and if Walgreens sells it? xD; That's where my mom's taking me to buy the color, cuz we have a coupon for the dye lol So I have no other choice but to go there.

Thank you so much for your help!!! :'D <3

Hmm...I'm not sure you may need to bleach it but if you're looking to go any lighter, for example, like mine, yes you'll need to bleach it.

Oh jeez ><; idk if I can afford the bleach...fooey D:

Hmm...well, I guess I can just buy the dye today since I'll be out anyways, and save it until I can afford the bleach.

Thanks for all your help, you guys!!! ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> <3

Just coloring the hair blonde is not the same as bleaching it. Bleach uses a higher volume developer and doesn't deposit color. I can't specifically say if you need to bleach or not considering I don't know what your hair color is. If you're looking to go 2 or more shades lighter than what you have now, then yes, I would bleach first.
